Xibal - Changjinlix

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Request by: keepcalummmmm

Seo Changbin was the first born prince of the kingdom of Kurin. It was a small kingdom surrounded by bigger and more powerful kingdoms.

"Please, Changbin. You have to marry." The prince's mother pleaded.

"I refuse." Changbin emotionlessly cut her off.

"We need to ensure peace with our neighbors. Right now, we are weak. We cannot let the kingdom we've worked so hard for fall into our enemy's hands. I ask you to be reasonable." The queen tried to explain.

"I can't marry without love. You know, mother, that there's already someone in my heart." The prince argued.

"Hwang Hyunjin is a priest. You know very well that he must remain pure, he cannot marry." Changbin's mother explained. She noticed the sadness in her son's eyes. She knew that since Changbin and Hyunjin grew up together, they developed feelings for each other. However, it was Hyunjin's destiny to become a priest. He was the next in line to become one with the Great Tree and be the next high priest. It was an honor, because he would be the next in power after the king. It was also a blessing because he would get to live longer than anyone else, but it was a curse as well because once bound with the tree, he would lose his freedom and would never be able to leave the tree's side, therefore he would spend his life in solitude. As harsh as it was, it wasn't destined for Changbin and Hyunjin to be together.

"Please, The Yaoc Empire is big and very powerful. We could use an ally like them. And I've also heard that their second son is quite charming." The queen said as she placed her hand on her son's shoulder as a means to console him. "Please, consider marrying him. Think of our kingdom. Everyone's lives, including Hyunjin's, could be in danger." The Queen pleaded again. It was harsh to guilt her son into marrying, but as a member of the royal family he had to sacrifice his own happiness for the good of the people. That's what it took to be a leader.

"I-I suppose I don't have a choice, do I? Otherwise, you'd want to marry Jeongin off instead..." Changbin muttered the last part as he didn't want to be heard. He lowered his head in defeat. "Alright. I'll marry." He sighed. It broke his heart, but he had to do it, for his younger brother Jeongin, for Hyunjin and for his people.

"Great then! I'll arrange it." His mother said happily and went out of the room, probably to let her husband know of the good news.

Changbin was left alone at last. He neared the window of his room and looked at the direction of the temple, the place where the priests were. The Prince sighed, suddenly feeling the strong urge to visit his beloved one. He couldn't do that, of course, because the temple was off limits to everyone except for the priests. After all, it was a sacred place and no one was allowed unless for a meeting with the high priest.

Changbin placed his hand over his chest, right above where his heart was supposed to be. It was beating faster than normal, because he pictured Hyunjin and that adorable smile of his. He wished they could hold hands and be together, but it was impossible. Changbin considered asking for an audience with the high priest so he could find out if he and Hyunjin could ever be together, but he was scared to peek into his own future, afraid that his fears would be confirmed and his heart would be crushed to pieces. His eyes already seemed to be losing their lively spark, knowing he'd have to marry a stranger and spend his life with someone he didn't love.

Months passed and the Yaoc Empire agreed to send their second son to meet with his future husband.

"Now, Changbin. Make sure to act nice, you don't want to offend your future husband. He could refuse the marriage and then we're doomed. Our kingdom's future depends on you." The queen nervously instructed her son. It was getting irritating, because it seemed as if she cared only about their kingdom and not about her son's feelings. But it was okay, despite not being a good mother, at least she was a good queen.

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