Anxiety - Changlix

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Felix had been awfully quiet recently. He wasn't his usual self and at first,  no one noticed. Or so Felix thought.

Whenever he was at the dorm, he would study and he would barely talk to any of the members. When someone asked him what was wrong, Felix would just shrug his shoulders and not say a word.

All the members were worried at this point because Felix's behavior was unusual.

One night, after practice, Felix was busy studying again when he heard a commotion outside of the room. He quickly dismissed it, because he was too busy trying to remember some very difficult Korean words.

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard someone enter the room.

"Felix?" The person called.

However, Felix ignored the intruder.

"Felix." The person tried again, walking towards where Felix was sitting.

"What? Can't you see I'm studying?" Felix snapped. He turned around to face the person who dared to interrupt his studying. It was Changbin.

Changbin seemed taken aback, because Felix never acted so hostile and now he was certain that something was definitely wrong. He remained calm and his expression didn't show if Felix's rudeness affected him. Instead, Changbin moved right in front of Felix.

"I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong. The guys are worried about you. I'm worried about you." Changbin stated.

It seemed like Changbin was serious. Felix sighed. He pondered over whether he should tell Changbin what the issue was or not. Finally, he decided to tell him because he knew the older wouldn't leave him alone until he talked anyway.

"Fine. It's just..." Felix hesitated.

"I won't laugh I promise." Changbin said.

"It's... That Korean exam. I guess I'm just... Anxious." Felix confessed.

"Well, why didn't you say so at the start? I could have helped you, you know..." Changbin tried to calm his friend.

"I suppose..." Felix trailed.

"Now, don't be worried. Your Korean has improved a lot." Changbin placed his hand on Felix's shoulder.

"I'm not so sure... I'm really worried about this one. I don't want to fail." Felix's voice cracked. It seemed like he was about to cry.

Then, Changbin wrapped his arms around the Australian boy, petting his hair in a soothing manner.

"You won't fail. Besides, I'll always be here for you, Felix." Changbin placed a kiss on Felix's head.

"Even if I fail? You'll still be there for me?" Felix asked.

"Yes. But you won't fail. I believe in you." Changbin tried to cheer him up.

"Thank you. But, hyung, will you cuddle with me tonight?" Felix acted like a sulking child.

"Sure. Anything for you, baby." Changbin smiled.

Okay, so my exams got me really anxious to the point of depression, sort of. This is why I came up with this story. It didn't turn out that well for which I'm sorry. But, I'll work harder for you guys when my exams are over.

Love you <3

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