Splash - Banginho

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Chan was coming to the same beach for 3 days in a row. He didn't even like going to the beach. Then, why was he doing it?

The reason was that he couldn't take his eyes off the handsome lifeguard.

Today, again, he was sitting on his towel and stealing glances at the young lifeguard. The handsome male was wearing a tight white t-shirt which didn't hide his toned body well since his abs were outlined. He also wore red pants that reached almost to his knee. When he was sitting on his chair, his pants lifted up slightly, exposing his tanned hips. His arms were muscular and it looked like they would rip the lifeguard's t-shirt at the sleeves. He wasn't too buff, but he was definitely working out.

The lifeguard's eyes couldn't be seen as he wore sunglasses on, but Chan had seen him without them on the first day, so he knew that this guy had the most mesmerizing brown eyes ever. His hair was slightly messy, but it looked soft and Chan wanted to run his fingers through it.

Chan was a complete opposite to the handsome lifeguard. His skin was pale and it had gained him the nickname 'Vampire Chan', a big contrast to the lifeguard's chocolate brown skin. Chan wasn't very muscular, but he still had abs, which he hid behind a red t-shirt because he wouldn't show his shirtless body on the beach. He wore black pants, much like the lifeguard's, the only difference being the color.

Chan sat under the shadow of an umbrella, because he was sure that if he exposed his skin to the sun he would turn red and would look like a crab.

The previous day, Chan had learned the lifeguard's name was Minho as he'd heard, more like eavesdropped on the boy's conversation with one of his friends.

Even though that for the past two days all that Chan did was stare at Minho, it seemed like the lifeguard hadn't noticed, this resulting in Chan being both grateful and disappointed of this fact. Again, today he was staring at said boy with flushed cheeks, but he would deny it, saying that the redness on his face was caused by the sun.

Chan was gay, at least for Minho. That's why he was thinking hard over how to gain the handsome boy's attention.

Walking up to Minho and talking to him wouldn't work out. Why? Because others have probably tried that already. And Chan knew he'd stutter and he definitely didn't want to embarrass himself in front of someone so handsome. Besides, what would he say? He didn't want to look desperate.

Chan was cringing at his own thoughts. He had to think of something else. Then, a stupid idea came to him.

What if he went for a swim, but pretended to be drowning? Surely, Minho would notice and come rescue him, right? Yes, that's it. Chan nodded to himself, glad to have thought of such a brilliant idea. In reality, he would never drown. He could swim, pretty well even, since he'd been the captain of the swimming team in middle school and had even won several times at competitions. But he would pretend that he couldn't swim, just this once. After all, Minho won't know.

Satisfied with himself, Chan stood up and with a smile headed to the water. He slowly entered it even though it was cold and it made him shiver slightly. There weren't many people around anyway. He headed further in, where the water was deep. Chan swam around a little and just when he replayed his plan in his mind, he felt sudden pain in his leg. Oh no. He'd gotten a cramp because the water was cold. Now he couldn't swim for real and he cursed himself in his mind because he could actually drown because of his stupid desire to attract the attention of a certain boy. At first, he panicked and couldn't do anything but splash helplessly around.

"H-help!" Chan called out for help as he'd gotten scared for his life. He thought that this is the end. He didn't want his life to end because drowning was such a stupid way to die.

Chan had begun to sink, his mouth and nose filling with water, preventing him from breathing. He'd closed his eyes, awaiting for the moment when he'd drown, but instead he felt strong arms wrap around him. But still in panic, Chan kept splashing around, moving his limbs everywhere.

"Stop moving so much, or we'll both drown." A voice said.

Chan immediately recognized the voice to be Minho's and stopped moving, letting himself be dragged to the dry land by the lifeguard.

"Ouch!" Chan winced, his leg still hurting.

"Hold on, we're almost there." Minho said, holding tightly onto Chan. On the other hand, Chan had wrapped his arms around Minho's neck, holding on for dear life.

Minho carried Chan out of the water like a man carrying his bride. He laid him down on the sand and the recently drowning boy began coughing out water.

"Are you okay?" The lifeguard asked.

"Uh, my leg cramped." Chan replied, still coughing a little. He tried standing up and Minho helped him.

"The water is pretty cold. You might want to be more careful next time." Minho noted, but his tone wasn't accusing, it sounded gentle and caring.

"Thank you for saving me, uh-" Chan began. Of course, he didn't want to look like a stalker or something, so he pretended not to know the lifeguard's name.

"Minho. I'm Minho. And, you're welcome. It'd be unfortunate if a cutie like you drowned." Minho replied, winking at the slightly shorter boy. Chan could do nothing but avoid the other's eyes and blush. He could've sworn he saw the lifeguard check him out.

"You know, you could've just talked to me instead of doing something so dangerous." Minho chuckled as he placed his hand on Chan's waist.

"Um, I didn't-, uh-" Chan stuttered. He was sure he looked dumb in Minho's eyes, but right now he was extremely flustered.

"I know that you were looking at me for the past two days. I was waiting for you to come and talk to me, but it seems like I'll have to make the first step." The lifeguard smirked as traced Chan's cheek with his free hand, staring at his eyes.

"You noticed?" The pale boy's eyes widened. He couldn't move an inch and his heart hammered against his chest due to the earlier shock and the fact that such a handsome guy was flirting with him.

"What's your name, cutie?" Minho asked, not bothered by his closeness to the cute boy.

"I'm Chan." The slightly shorter boy introduced himself, moving his gaze down, but immediately regretting it, because now he could see Minho's abs through his wet shirt and that only made him blush more.

"It fits you." The lifeguard smiled as he dragged poor Chan to his cabin. He seated him on a chair and handed him a bottle of water. Minho also wrapped his towel around the pale boy.

"Are you feeling better now?" Minho asked as he stood across from Chan.

Not trusting himself, Chan nodded, choosing not to speak, in fear that he would stutter again.

But soon, since Minho was so gentle and smiling so much, Chan seemed to warm up to him. Therefore, they spent around ten minutes talking to each other when Minho told him that he had to go back to work.

As Chan was about to remove the towel around him and hand it back to the lifeguard, said boy stopped him.

"Such a cute boy like you can't walk around with a wet shirt. Everyone will stare at your body. You can give me back the towel tomorrow." Minho smiled. He quickly took what seemed to be a piece of paper and scribbled something on it, then handed it to Chan.

"It's my number. In case you get in trouble again and need some mouth to mouth." Minho winked.

That day, Chan walked away with Minho's towel and his number, blushing like crazy and happy that he got to talk to him.

Since I'm on a vacation at the sea, I came up with this. I hope it was refreshing and summerish and I hope you liked it! You can always request stories as a comment, so don't be afraid to do it!

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