You feel Bethany shake her head against your hoodie. You don't doubt she feels the same way towards your ex-boyfriend as you do. So she doesn't try to change your mind. She just holds you for long minutes as you let the tears roll down your cheeks in memory of what happened last semester. The breakdowns and that doctor's referral. The threat from your parents that they were going to come down and pick you up early, taking you home for summer before you even sat exams. Beth was the one who reassured you that you could do it.

"You know this course inside out," she said, holding your hands inside hers as you questioned, yet again, if college was right for you, "You could do that exam with your eyes closed."

Because college was shit. College was a controlling, manipulative boyfriend who constantly berated every little thing you did until you cracked and found yourself crying on your bathroom floor at four in the morning. College was the entire Student Union trying to take down the video Craig posted of the two of you in bed, failing to act quickly enough before a good couple of hundred people saw it, and saved it, and shared it.

"It's not always gonna be like this."

You scoffed through your own tears when she told you that. But she was right. When you turned up to that exam, wrote your paper, and avoided the stares of the rest of the class, you felt liberated. You felt like you. And when you sat down in your first seminar of this semester, no one batted an eye. No one remembered. And so you tried to forget too. Which was going pretty well. Until now.

"I need to go over there."

There's a pause before Bethany lifts her head from your shoulder and looks at you incredulously.

"Go over there? Y/n, are you crazy?! You're not going anywhere near that bastard again!"

"I have to! I'm not going to let him do what he did to me to anyone else! I have to try..."

"It's not your mess! You don't need to put yourself in that situation again...Please, Y/n, just listen to me..."

"I listened to you when you told me he's got a new girlfriend. What if the same thing happens, huh? What if he does the same thing to her as he did to me? I'm going to feel like crap knowing I could have saved her from that."

"She's Demi Lovato! She's got, like, twenty-four-hour security with her, they're not going to let him do anything she doesn't want him to!"

You can see it in her stature that she regrets telling you about this in the first place. The way her arms desperately flail around to stop you from leaving.

"I don't think it works like that, Beth. I don't think her security it gonna be there in bed with them while he--"

The words catch on your oesophagus. You've made a point not to even mention the topic this term. You stand up from the chair, making sure your keycard is in your pocket.

"I'm going."

"Y/n, please don't--"

"I'm going," you repeat, coming toe to toe with her and pulling your shoulders back. Eventually, she breaks and steps aside, letting you past.

"I'll be back by dinner," you say over your shoulder, grabbing your purse on the way out.

"You better be," Beth warns. You know she will be full on ready to call the cops if you're not. It wasn't until last semester that you realised how good a friend she really is.

Running down the stairwell, you don't cast a second thought to the fact you lost your page in the book you were reading.


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