Off the rails

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TW - substance abuse

A splitting headache and empty Tylenol foil are your only company as you sit alone in your bedroom. This is the third hangover you've nursed this week already and even you have to admit, the whole thing is getting a bit tired. But - let's be honest - it's not like you've got anything better to do.

The topic of Demi's sobriety has been front and centre in the household during the whole summer holidays. Every morning and every night you hear it from your mom.

We've just got to be supportive.

We've all just got to be understanding.

Y/n, we need you to stay out of the way.

She said that last one only the other day. It didn't surprise you though. You were still completely wasted from the night before and everyone could see it. Still, it didn't stop you thinking about her words every time you knock back another swig of vodka with your friends.

"And then she said - are you ever going to take responsibility?" you laughed, almost choking on the burning liquid, "I mean, what a killjoy!"

It was cold that night so you didn't stay out too long. Just long enough for your friends to reassure you that it was your mom who was being unreasonable. You are just having fun and doing what every other teenager does. She needs to get over it, Y/n, Jaden shrugged, just 'cause your sisters can't handle it doesn't mean you can't.

Right! Jaden gets you. She listens when you complain about how no one wants anything to do with you in the house. If it's not about Demi's health then it's about Dallas' string of failed relationships. And if it's not about that then it's about how great Madison is for talking about social issues or some shit. Jaden nods in understanding before handing you the hip flask again, watching as you fill yourself with that warm comfort you don't get at home.

A jolt of pain shoots from the back of your skull to your forehead as a text pings into your phone. Screwing your eyes shut, you feel around the duvet for it, patting hazily until you finally curl your fingers around it and bring it up to your face.

11:30. Usual place.

The knowing smile disappears from your face as quickly as it appeared. There's no way in hell your family is going to let you go out tonight. Not in a million years. And definitely not considering how much Demi flipped out on you this morning.

"Take a look at yourself, Y/n! You can't even hold your head up you're that wasted!"

"Let's just use our indoor voices, yeah?" you mumbled sarcastically at Demi who was barking at you from across the kitchen table.

"You're going to ruin your life! Does that even make sense to you?" she continues to shout, her short, dark bed-hair shaking in rage at you.

"No, Demi. You think I'm going to ruin my life but guess what? I'm not like you! I can do whatever the fuck I like and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

You knew, immediately when you said that, that your mom was standing behind you. She just had to take one look at Demi's glassy eyes and gather that you were the aggressor and she was the victim. (Like always). And she just had to take one look at your clearly hungover appearance to conclude that you were grounded until further notice.

You know Demi loves you. You do. But it's hard to care when, your entire life, your parents have decided to go to the taping of whatever talk show she's on instead of going to your parents evenings.

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