Same but different

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Everything's set. The balloons, the music. The streamers and the snacks. All the things you would expect to find at a party. Except for the people, of course. They haven't arrived yet. And there's a heavy stone sitting inside your gut in fear that they might not turn up. Craning your neck as you wait anxiously by the window, you just pray that at least one person will turn up. Or maybe that would be worse? One person arriving to see that no one else bothered their ass to come to your birthday party you scheduled in months ago? Yeah, definitely worse. But also a high possibility considering you only invited like four people round. Well, five including Sarah, but she's out of town. And when she told you she'd be unavailable, she assured you that you could do it without her. 

"I really doubt that, Sarah. They're not like you. They don't get it."

"How do you even know that? They're human, just like me, and I was fine about it, wasn't I? Nothing disastrous happened!"

You tried to believe her, you really did. But you already regret the swipe of mascara you applied this morning and the pale pink lip-gloss that barely even shows. It's too much. It's too obvious. When you open the door, they're all just going to laugh and whisper about how you're attention seeking or putting on some sort of act. They'll not understand - not like Sarah does. And you want to abandon ship already and send out a message saying the party is cancelled. But before you can even grab your phone from the table laden with plastic bowls of crisps, the roar of an engine plasters you back to the window. Within seconds, her fancy black car has pulled up and she steps out, locking it behind her with keyless touch. 

OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod, you panic, waving your hands about as you try to figure out what to do. You can't, like, do it. Not today. Not now. Despite the long hours you spent deliberating over how you were going to say it, and where you were going to say it, and who was going to be there - you can't. It's too risky. There's too much at stake. And as you watch her through the blinds, at her flawless face and stunning figure. At her gorgeous hair and beautiful personality. At everything you've ever wanted and more, you realise this: you can't lose her. Even if it means keeping your secret secret. Even if it means being her friend that is a boy when you desperately want it to be so much more, and so so different. 

The doorbell sings through the house, in a way that changes only for her. You scramble to the front of the house and twist the handle, opening your house to her like you've done so many times before. Just act natural. It's just like when she usually comes round.

"Y/n!" she cheers, swinging her arms out and enveloping you in a bone-crushing hug, "Happy birthday! I can't believe it's your big day!!" 

You beam, gritting your teeth together inside your skull so the tears don't rise. 

"Come in, come in," you say, taking her bag from her and placing it down by the shoe rack as she toes off her boots. 

"Anyone else here?" she asks, bending over to sort her sock. Which is a good job considering you can't stop your face from faltering. 

" yet," you reply, then come up with a better solution, "Actually, I kind of changed the plans and just made it so you and I could hang toda--"

You're cut off by the doorbell again. And, as if she's doing you a favour, Demi turns around and opens the door for you, revealing the only two other people on the guest list. 

"Hey, Tyle--"

"Tyler and Michelle?!" Demi squeals as she also sees who's on the other side. Your, let's say 'acquaintances', from work leap on the spot at the sight of Demi. 

"Oh my God! What are you doing here?!" they yell.

"Me? What are you guys doing here?" Demi laughs back, grabbing them both in for the same kind of hug you wished was exclusive to you. 

Demi Lovato ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat