On Set

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A metallic thump from outside wakes you with a start and you wipe the trail of drool dripping down your arm on your jeans. Your neck aches from the awkward angle you had been holding your head as you drifted off on the makeup table. As you roll your head, stretching out, the door opens. 

"Oh hey, you're still here," Demi says, slightly taken aback by the sight of you. You cast a quick look at yourself in the mirror, at your smudged mascara and foundation that has caked around your nose. You give her a tight, if slightly apologetic, smile. 

"Uh...yeah. Yeah, I was just waiting around till you got back. Thought you'd maybe want some company after finishing work, you know?"

She rummages around in one of the boxes that's perched precariously at the edge of a flimsy plastic table. Eventually, she pulls out a biro, checking the ink flow on the back of her hand. 

"I mean, I'm around other people all day," she shrugs and you very quickly realise that you're just a spare part in this whole thing. Not even that. You've never acted, sung, or dance a day in your life. You met Demi at school. 

"Julie will have a go at you tomorrow about your hand," you joke, hoping to dispel the tension that has thickened in the small trailer. She huffs, looking at the black scribble on her skin and rubbing it absentmindedly on the sleeve of her costume. You bite your tongue, doubting that she will want to hear about Julie's predicted comments on that either. 

"You wanting to go get pizza or something?"

She looks up fleetingly from her phone. "That's okay, I ate on set," she dismisses, and you try to ignore the grumble of your own stomach. You've knocked about in this rolling dressing room all day, waiting for your friend to get back from work, and now she can barely give you a second thought. Still, you've watched plenty of rom-coms where the guy is shelved constantly throughout the hour and thirty minutes, only to finally get the girl once she realises her soul mate has been right under her nose the whole time. So there's every chance. Sure, there'd be even more of a chance if you were actually in the movie Demi was filming right now. But a movie about a camp for 'aspiring rockers' just isn't your cup of tea. 

In all honesty, you've kind of been counting down the days until your visit is over and you can catch your flight home. The prospect of travelling across the country, living on a film set with your famous best friend for a couple of weeks, meeting a bunch of other famous people, and being away from your parents for the first time in your fifteen years sounded exciting. The reality less so. By now, you can pretty much recite the list of things Demi keeps in her trailer but anything else would be an impossible task. You walk in with Demi in the early morning and don't leave until late at night. You daren't say you're disappointed, but you've already been prepping the rose-tinted story you're going to reel off to everyone at home when they ask how amazing it all was. 

"You getting ready to go then?"

You're fed up now, wanting to get out of the sticky clothes you've been wearing and into the shower back at the hotel. Hopefully the maid has left one of those shortbread biscuits on your pillow as there's nothing else in your room to have for dinner. But Demi doesn't seem to have any intention of moving as she continues to scroll through her phone. Her eyes glow and she giggles constantly under her breath. You expire, shuffling over to the door so she gets the hint. 

"Come see this," she says, turning the device so that the screen glows at you. It's a video and you're forced to step closer to recognise what's going on. Joe Jonas' face appears, handsome, mischievous, and you watch as he does a funny dance move, his limbs moving jarringly in opposite directions. Demi laughs, not even needing to watch again. You laugh too, not wanting her to feel self-conscious. "Isn't he hilarious?"

Demi Lovato ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora