Dancer pt. 2

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10 months later

You are back in America. But this time you are all set. After the West-end tour came to an end, you were cast in a show on Broadway that same week! You heard something about them needing a bigger ensemble cast or whatever. You didn't really care, you were just glad you were able to return to the states and make a good experience for yourself. You had learned your lesson: don't let yourself be recorded by some creep who is going to turn your whole working family against you. Sounds easy enough. It's not really a danger that crosses the regular persons' path. 

Living in New York was amazing. Especially being a performer. You could spend days wandering around Central Park and be back in time for the show in the evening. Unless you had a matinee of course. But today you were good to go. A 5:30 pm call time for hair and make-up. All set. 

Meandering casually down a street near Times Square, you were thinking about the session you just had with your therapist. 


The whole event that happened last time in America had more of an impact than you were first led to believe. It wasn't until you were almost finished with the West-end tour that it all caught up with you. Or actually, it wasn't until after you ran into the whole TMYLM tour cast that it caught up with you. Your therapist says that you were just suppressing it. That there were so many things happening all at once that your brain didn't get a chance to reflect on the assault you endured. Seeing Sarah and Mike and Kelsey basically triggered a whole load of shit.

"It was going to happen sooner or later," your therapist said when you first went to see her, "better work through it now with me and get it over with," she smiled.

Yeah, I'm not so sure. 

You were feeling better though. And feeling the warm breeze on your face that afternoon made it all the better. You were still living your dream, technically. And what people wouldn't give to be performing on a Broadway stage? This time, nothing was going to take that away from you. Not the terrifying flashbacks, not the niggling ankle injury you kept icing each night...not even Phil. You were in control. And you were careful not to say anything...let's say...out of turn. 

That's still not your fault, you continuously remind yourself.

But it sure does feel like it sometimes. 

It's moments like these where your therapist encourages you to remember her words. What were they again? Something to do with positive affirmations? Or a certain mantra or--


Shaken from your thoughts by the call of your name,

"Y/n, is that you?"

You turn precociously towards the noise. New York is a big place. Lot's of people can have the same name as you. But her voice was painfully recognisable.

Now at a standstill on the street, you see her running towards you, crossing the road and miraculously avoiding all traffic. Usually, you would understand, I mean, it's Demi Lovato for Pete's sake! But she was so disguised under her oversized hoodie and unassuming black jeans that you could see why people wouldn't recognise her. If you had learned anything from your time with the TMYLM cast, it was that Demi could make herself invisible to the public if she so pleased. 

Finally reaching the spot you were standing in, you can see her smiling face, even behind the dark sunglasses she was donning. Sliding them off her nose, she tucked them into her purse and reached forward to give you a huge hug.

"I knew it was you!" she laughed into your hair, "I've missed you so much! How have you been?"

You're not sure if she's bullshitting. Missed you? You were one dancer that performed in only a fraction of the shows of her last tour. You're surprised she even remembers you. Pushing that technicality to the back of your mind, you tackle her next point:

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