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You couldn't exactly remember why you agreed to let her take that job. Allowing her to sign away another few months in another state. You didn't know why the words "I'll be fine, you love acting" came out of your mouth when she came home that evening and told you that she had been offered the role in a huge tv show,

"It's not forever."

Well, it sure feels like forever. 

You're sitting at home, on the sofa, watching late night shows for the second week in a row. And you're pissed. Why? Because your girlfriend has once again forgotten to call you and see how you are. Every text you send it replied with a one-word answer. Every call you make goes straight to voice-mail. 

She's probably just shooting. She'll call you back when she's finished for the day.

But she never called back. Not for weeks. And it was driving you insane. 

You loved how successful she was. You loved the way her eyes lit up every time she saw how well her songs were doing on the charts or every time she got offered another guest starring role. And you tried to remember how much you loved it every time she packed her bags to go off and work on the other side of the country. 

Only this time, it was getting harder to keep that in mind when you go to sleep, trying your best to remember the sound of her voice when she spoke to you. You weren't going to look up some old you-tube videos of her. You're not going to sink that low...

So as you squeeze your eyes shut and attempt to clear your mind of frustration that humid July night, you look forward to the day Demi comes home and you can have her all to yourself. 


Today was the day. 

Today was the day Demi was coming home. 

You still hadn't received any word on when she wanted you to come and pick her up from the airport so you had been sitting in the house all morning waiting for a text to come through. You didn't bank on her calling you. You gave up on that weeks ago. But you hoped that once she saw you again, she would remember how much she loves you and how much of an effort she should make because, in all honesty, you were beginning to wonder if this relationship was a one-sided thing. 

Instead of a phone vibration, you heard the sound of the front door opening. 

"Hello? Demi?" you call, surprised at the possibility that she made her way back alone. 

"Hey," she replied, hanging her denim jacket up and sliding out of her sandals. She looked beautiful. Almost as if you had never seen her before in this light. Almost as if she were once again just a celebrity to you, who didn't know your name, and didn't share a life with. 

"I'm going to unpack," she continued as she made her way up the stairs in front of you without even a second look at your face. 

"Wh-wha... em, okay, well, hi to you too I guess," you spluttered out, utterly shocked that, after being separated for months, without more than a couple phone calls, she was going to dismiss you so easily. 

She didn't reply. She just went, dragging her suitcase behind her as she puffed up the wooden steps. 

About an hour later, you had finished preparing your evening meal, spooning two platefuls out and bringing them over to the table. Demi's favourite. You just prayed she wouldn't be so frosty when she came back down the stairs. 

She's just tired, you reasoned, she just needs to eat something and then she will be back to normal.

"Demi!" you shout upstairs, "dinner's ready!"

Demi Lovato ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now