Enough pt.2

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One week later...

"Well, where the hell is she?! You're supposed to know where she is at all times, Max! How could you let this happen?!"

"What do you want me to say? Us arguing isn't going to help us find her any quicker so why don't we just save the finger-pointing until we know she's safe?"

"But she won't be safe, will she?! Because she's been spiralling ever since last week! Ever since we sent Y/n down to--"

Lauren's rant stops as soon as she spots you from the door. You weren't eavesdropping. Not exactly. It doesn't count when the people inside are shouting so loud you can hear them from three doors away. You shuffle in with your hands in your pockets.

"Still nothing?" you ask, already knowing the answer. Lauren shakes her head despondently, bringing her hand up to her forehead and massaging her temples. Everyone's freaking out, understandably so.

"Nope," she bites, "Nothing. And Max here doesn't seem to have the faintest idea, despite the fact he's the bloody bodyguard! But don't worry, guys, Max says we should all just hold tight until we find her before we start accusing people."

"Oh, come off it," Max fires back, "You were the one who saw her last! You were with her all afternoon! So why don't you tell us where she might have gone!"

"Don't start on me! It's not my job to know where she is the who--"

"Guys, stop!" you shout, fed up with all the arguing inside the too-close-for-comfort hotel room, "Max is right...our priority is finding Demi not shouting at each other..."

Lauren and Max both drop their arms to their sides and puff stubbornly.

"...Shouldn't we organise, like, a search? She doesn't know this city, she can't have gone far--?"

Lauren scoffs before turning completely towards you,

"Then you don't know Demi. She could be anywhere. If she doesn't want to be found, she won't be. Simple as that."

You hate the way you're being lectured about all of this. Wasn't it you who warned everyone about this? Wasn't it you who got shot down by all these people who wanted to turn a blind eye? So spare me the melodrama, Lauren, it's not me who needs to address their ignorance.

"Well then, what do you suggest?"

Her face goes blank as she turns back to Max to see if he has any suggestions. But he looks just as lost as she does. Suddenly the door swings open from behind you.

"Reception says they saw her leave at half past nine. Got it on surveillance and everything. But no one has a clue as to where she went to," Cesar proclaims to the room, obviously unhappy with the minimal information he could provide. Kelsey follows just behind, holding her phone to her ear. She's been ringing Demi's number every fifteen minutes hoping that she will eventually pick up. From the look on her face, you gather she hasn't had much luck.

"Great. Well, that's just great," Lauren beams sarcastically before going back to pacing the room like she was a few minutes ago. You can hear Cesar starting to offer words of reassurance to her. Something along the lines of Demi being fine and that they didn't do anything wrong. And you would have easily stayed to dispute that fact, considering the circumstances, had it not been for the buzzing of your own phone that propels you to leave. What if it's Demi? What if she's finally reaching out? You don't want her to hear everyone else in the room crowding you in case she freaks and hangs up before anyone knows if she's alright. It's too risky. Out in the corridor, you pull out the mobile. And feel your chest deflate when it's not your boss' name on the screen.

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