Tour Mother

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Trying to suppress the grimace on your face, you lean deeper into the stretch as you warm up backstage. Your hamstring had been bothering you for a few shows now and you were just hoping it would hold out for another couple of weeks before you could go home for a short break. 

Even though you loved touring with Demi Lovato on her TMYLM tour, and living your dream of dancing on stage every night, you still missed your parents. To be fair, your schedule was pretty rough for a 15-year-old. But Demi understood that. She really took care of you on the road, making sure you were alright and always offering to chat with you if you were feeling down. It was almost as if she was your second mother. You loved it though.

You remember a couple of nights ago when she called you back from running to the side of the stage to fix your costume. And how she laughed at the mess you had made of it, tucking the labels and twisting the waistband back to the right place. She is so nice to you. Much nicer than you had anticipated. Honestly, you were a bit worried about joining her team and having her as your boss. From the little you knew about her before, you got the impression she was quite intimidating. And with the knowledge that you would be the youngest member of the cast, you began to have doubts over whether taking the job was the right thing to do. But now - you are so glad you did. You were living the best life you could hope for! But it was still tiring. And you still missed your parents. 

So this break would be a welcome relief. 

Getting up from the floor, you walk with the other dancers to the green room, waiting for Demi to arrive and say her pre-performance prayer and then start the show. Shaking out the lingering pain in your leg, you tell yourself to stop worrying about it. It will only affect your performance and make you feel even worse. 

Minutes later, Demi walks through from the direction of her dressing room, all ready in her opening costume. As everyone huddles around as they do every night, you catch her as she scans you up and down, checking for another wardrobe mishap. When she sees you watching her, she gives you a guilty smile, laughing at the private interaction between you both. You can feel a grin form on your lips before you can even stop yourself, and a warm electric feeling spark in your heart. You love her, and despite you age, you hope you can be friends with her forever. 

After praying for a good performance, everyone disperses to get into their positions. Before you can even make it out if the green room, you feel a pair of soft hands press down comfortingly on your shoulders.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks Demi," you say quietly. You still feel a little awkward around her. Probably considering the fact that she's a huge superstar. But you think you're slowly getting there with the confidence. Maybe soon you will actually be able to build up the courage to go and speak to her the next time you are feeling really homesick and are crying silently in your bunk. 

"Break a leg, Y/n, you always do amazing out there," she winks before disappearing off down under the stage.

" too," you trail off once she's definitely out of ear-shot. 


Why can't you just act normal? Why can't you just act like a human being around her instead of getting all choked up and nervous? She couldn't be any nicer so it must be something that's wrong with you. Sighing at another failed attempt at successful interaction with the woman who has taken you under her wing, you make your way to your opening position. 


It was nearing the end of the show and you were beginning to feel the effects of two hours of dancing on your leg. It was still manageable...but you knew you would feel a rush of relief the moment you stepped off stage and took your weight off it. 

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