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You honestly can't put into words how excited you are that it's the last week of school. You are almost finished high school, about to spend the whole summer planning on what societies you are going to join in college, then pack up and move away from Texas to attend 'The University of Washington'. 

When people ask why you chose to study so far away from home, you told them how much you loved the campus and the lecturers. And how much you loved the atmosphere as soon as you arrived for the open day. 

You didn't tell them it was because you were desperate to get as far away from home as possible. That would raise questions. 

And you didn't want people to ask them. You didn't want to have to explain the whole story as you had done dozens of times before. Mind you, maybe this time someone will believe you. But it's best not to get your hopes up. 

And besides, the story you are referencing only makes you feel like shit every time you think about it. Which, I suppose, is understandable considering it details the time your older sister's long-term boyfriend raped you on your bed when you were fifteen years old while she was out the house picking up the rest of your family from the airport. And about how you had to act like nothing was the matter when you all sat around the dinner table that night, listening to your parents' funny anecdotes from the trip they took with your little sister, Madison. 

You never wanted to go on any of these trips so you had said 'no' when they asked. 

How you wish you could turn back time. 

Sometimes it's hard to decide on what was the most upsetting part about it all though. Let's elaborate:

Basically, your parents began to get really worried about you when you refused to leave your room when Wilmer was round and every time you were forced to spend time with the family while he was there, you would get really tense and agitated. Apparently, they thought it was you. That you felt jealous of the fact Demi had a boyfriend and you didn't. 

"Just because Demi has found someone special, doesn't mean you won't, Y/n!" your mom said as she confronted you on the sofa.

"What are you talking about, mom?" 

You can't remember how much of your mom's incessant ramblings you actually took in around that time. All you remember was trying to keep your secret safe. 

"I'm talking about the fact that you are always act so strange around Wilmer now! You act like you hate him or something! I think you need to take a look at your attitude because it's really starting to rub people the wrong way."

"Are you for real, mom?"

"Listen, just because you're a teenager doesn't mean you get a free pass on being rude to people! I don't want Maddie looking up to her big sister and seeing th--"

"He raped me, mom! Wilmer raped me."

You also remember your mom's face when you finally let the secret out. wish you could forget it. The look of anger. But not anger at Wilmer...anger at you. 

"Don't you dare use rape as an excuse for your behaviour, Y/n!" she yelled, pulling you up by the ear and throwing towards the stairs,

"Rape is a real and serious issue and I will not have my daughter lying about it just to avoid a telling-off! I can't believe you, Y/n! You are not the person I thought you were," she concluded as she walked away shaking her head, leaving you to clamber up the stairs and run into your room. 

You don't think you ever cried as much as you did that night. Not even as much as you cried after Wilmer raped you. The next day, everyone in the house hated you. And how do you know? Because no one would talk to you, and no one would look in your direction without it being some sort of condescending glare as they telepathically told you how much of a disgusting human being you were. 

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