Fever pt. 2

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The next morning...

Blinking awake, you are only aware of the sharp pain in your head. Like your head is stuffed with cotton wool and about to burst from the pressure. Even though you're still lying down, you feel your nose running like a tap as you try to figure out what is going on.


You caught it.

Not surprising, really. You did spend the best part of the last 12 hours in what can only be described as closer than close proximity with Demi. Unwilling to move from lying on your front, you stretch one arm back behind you, feeling for her presence in the bed. Soon enough, you can feel the soft fabric of her shirt, and the warm comfort of her skin underneath. Not to be mistaken with the heat you felt on her the day before. Thank goodness. 

Not even bothering to expend energy on checking the time, or your phone to query over whether work was cancelled today again, you remain motionless on the mattress, trying to focus on being able to breathe through all the mucus that has congealed in your sinuses. 


And it's not long before remembering to breathe gets boring, and you slip into another dreamless sleep.

Demi's POV

Disorientated would be an understatement in describing how I feel waking up. At first, I'm not sure what has woken me. I still feel pretty tired. Run down. Like hell. Surely it's not morning already? It feels like only a couple of hours ago I was leaving the studio to go home...what happened to last night? Did I fall asleep as soon as I got home? Didn't think I had worked that hard to warrant that...? I don't even remember seeing Y/n. Maybe she was out and only got back after I had passed out for the day? So many questions I just don't have the energy to answer. 

There it is again! That sound! That must have been what woke me, it sounds like...I don't know...

Smushing my face into my pillow, I twist in the bed to get more comfortable. That's when I see her. 

Y/n lying on the bed. Flat on her back. Wheezing sounds escaping from her pale lips. Immediately sitting up, I try to ignore the spinning top sensation that is triggered between my ears, only focusing on my girlfriend's condition. 

What the hell is going on?

Realising there isn't time to think properly about how this situation has occurred, I quickly snake one arm underneath her neck, propping her up so that her airways are clearer. Acting on instinct alone will at least buy me more time...to do what exactly, I don't know. 

To my relief, Y/n's spluttering calms down a little, her beautiful eyes fluttering open as she tries to struggle out of my grasp. Tightening my hold on her shoulders, I try to get her to settle down, 

"Hey, shh, Y/n it's me. Listen to my voice, you're alright..."

At first, I wonder if her panic might have been caused by a nightmare. But considering I can feel a temperature through her thin clothing, I soon get concerned that this is something more. 

Feeling her relax more into my arms, I reach over her with my other hand, carefully lifting the glass of water that is sitting on the bedside table. 

Hang on - why am I in bed? Did I really carry myself upstairs last night and not remember it? Did Y/n just get back and hop in with me?

With the obvious answers to these questions being out of reach, I decide to let them go. They're not important. What's important is making sure Y/n is okay. Lifting her head up a little more, I encourage her to take a sip of the water, hoping it will make her feel better. Her eyes are already a little more alert causing me to sigh a breath of relief. 

Demi Lovato ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now