Coffee Runner

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You were new to the whole touring thing. Brand new, in fact. It was a wonder how you even got the job as part of the entourage of the Demi Lovato tour. Well - 'job' is a bit of a experience perhaps? You were pretty sure you weren't getting paid for running about after people for months. It's fine though, it would look great on your CV.

Anyway, your days consist mainly of people telling you how many coffees to get, making them, and bringing them back multiple times a day. At first, this was your main priority - to get them their coffee on time and maintain a good impression. But now, what, 3 months into the tour, you realise there's no rush. The people asking for coffee don't even remember doing so the next minute and therefore dismiss your efforts when you return, leaving the polystyrene cup on every horizontal surface until it's cold. 

Now you simply take your time, meandering through the backstage areas of different arenas as everyone else stresses about soundchecks and staging. Not your problem, you smile to yourself everytime you hear about the latest catastrophe hours before showtime. You are beginning to wonder if this is really the career path you want to go into eventually. 

Demi's guess. You haven't really seen her. She is always in her dressing room, on the tour bus that the actual performers are on, or backstage right before the show. And you're not allowed there. That's not within your permit. To be honest, it didn't overly thrill you when you found out that it was Demi you were going to be on the road with. Sure, you like her music, but you're not, what you would call, a 'lovatic'. And it's a good job you're not because from what you have gathered during the first couple of months, is that Demi Lovato is not down for a casual conversation with nobodies like the coffee runner. Or anyone in the crew for that matter, except for her PA and stuff. But it's fine. It's not forever. 

But recently, all doesn't seem to be going so smoothly on that front either. Every time you are asked to get coffee for Demi's managers or PA or friends and family, you catch scraps of information...whisperings...about the pop star. Something about "returning to old habits" and becoming "closed off" again. None of this makes any sense to you. You're just the coffee runner. But as the days pass, you hear these phrases time and time again and can't help but wonder their significance. They're talking about Demi, that much is obvious. But why are they so worried? From what you hear, she puts on a stellar performance every night. So what's up? 

But then it started to become clear. On one of the preshow days, when Demi had a meet and greet. Walking down the main corridor backstage you could see the big shots hovering around outside her dressing room, knocking and checking their watches every few seconds. You check your phone. 6:50. She should have started the M&G almost 20 minutes ago! Why is she still faffing about with her hair? Doesn't she know how important it is for fans to see their idols and to see that they care? You fight the urge to roll your eyes at how diva she was being. You linger back, a few paces down the corridor, to stay out of the way. Your job is pretty much done for ht evening anyway. Suddenly, you hear a door handle shake and Demi Lovato pushing herself through the crowd of people, turning to her right and making her way towards you. Well, towards the room for the M&G, but still. The crowd hurry after her, firing questions over and over as she maintains her lead. Just as she passes you, you watch her dab the corners of her eyes, which you can now observe as being red and angry, with her long sleeve. Fleetingly, you make eye-contact. And just as quickly as it happens, she looks away again, furrowing her brow as she refuses to answer any of the questions her manager continues to throw at her. 

Watching the crowd disappear around the corner, you wonder if maybe there is something to worry about. But it's not your problem, right? You're just the coffee runner. 


It's maybe a week later. And things are all but normal. The hushed conversations between Demi's manager and PA have only intensified to the point where it is all they seem to be talking about every time you return with a cup of steaming coffee. But now you kind of get it. Demi is unravelling. It's no secret that she has been turning up late to more M&G's and even performances. Heck - she even cancelled two interviews as well this week and it's only Thursday. According to the jungle drums, what they've resorted to doing is just giving her space. 

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