Truth pt.2

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You did it. You moved to Washington. And it was amazing! You were loving the independence, the friends, the social life. You were loving your course and your lecturers. Everything there reminds you of how you made the best choice ever.

And to think you were almost about to change your mind and stay at home. 

Basically, when your parents got home that night after Demi found you and Wilmer, she told them everything that happened. You have kind of blocked out that part of your memory because you hate the way your mom collapsed in tears, so inconsolable that she couldn't even get her words out to apologise to you. There is also the slight recollection of your dad's face when he heard Demi explain it all - pure anger. But that's about it. You have never wanted to think of that sight again so gradually the details have eroded away, especially with all the new and exciting things that have happened in Washington since then. 

Over summer, your parents tried to convince you to postpone your entry to college for a year. They said they wanted to get you into therapy and make sure you were one hundred percent alright before letting you move across the country. You said no, though. Because for one - you knew you were ready to go especially to move away from the place where your nightmares originated. And two - it made you kind of mad that they immediately seemed to forget the reason why you chose somewhere so far away in the first place...their opinion of you as a liar. 

So no matter how much your mom begged you to contact Washington College, you refused. You were going. And that was final. 

But even though it still felt like a thorn in your side the fact that your whole family instantly absolved themselves of any wrongdoing, you were still excited to go home for the Christmas holidays. So much so, that now, sitting in the train carriage as it slowly pulls into the station in Dallas, you let your heart tingle in gleeful anticipation. You had so much to tell them! Over three months away from home! You could barely believe it yourself. 

Walking down the platform with your suitcase trundling behind you, you catch sight of both your mom and dad standing near the ticket booth watching out for you. As you get closer, you force yourself to keep it together and not dissolve into a weeping mess. This is the longest you've ever been away from your parents and you just felt so grateful to have a couple of weeks back at home. 

"Hey sweetheart," your dad smiles as he pulls you in for a hug before passing you onto your mom who was also trying to hold herself in one piece. 

"Oh, I missed you so much, darling! How was your journey back down?"

"Fine," you nod, "It was fine. Just glad to be home."

"I know, I'm so glad you are home too," she claps, "can't wait to have you all to myself over Christmas!"

"Hey! What about me?" your dad asks, feigning hurt.

All you can do is laugh and absorb all the love you are being given. As much as college is fun, everyone kind of puts up this front that they are never homesick and don't miss their parents. Sometimes you felt like you were the only one who would lie awake at night longing for a hug and a kiss from your mom. But you would never give in and just phone her. You were always worried someone would hear and then you would be laughed at for being such a baby.

Or maybe you were just being irrational.

Sitting in the back of the car, enjoying listening to the mindless chatter of your parents, your attention suddenly latches onto what your mom asks you.

"Has Demi been in contact with you since you've been away?"

To be honest, it was kind of a sore spot for you. Once she told your parents everything all those months ago, it was like she immediately passed on all responsibility to them, letting them do everything that needed to be done like hospital appointments and TLC. And while you were just glad that you finally had your parents on your side, you longed for more of the affection Demi showed you in that hour after Wilmer left. It's probably the one and only time you can remember where your older sister seemed to really care for you. But after that night, she immersed herself back into her career and barely spoke to you. 

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