"He should've been there for you." He finished her sentence before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Mhmm. He should've trusted that I can take care of myself."

"Look, Ash, I get it. Better then most probably. But he just about watched you die. Too much more longer out in that alley could have killed you. Is it really fair for him to lose someone else that he very obviously loves?" He looked at her sharply. A little sympathy played around in his eyes.

"You're starting to get all sympathetic like a poet, Stan. Better watch yourself." She joked with him to keep from crying. A tear still managed to slide down her face.

"Can't be having any of that now, can we?" He smiled and reached up to wipe the tear from her face.

She looked down at the covers with a pained look. "Maybe I messed up too."

"Your actions were justified, Ash. No doubt about that. And nobody's going to judge you for that. But your timing kind of sucked." He didn't hold back for her. He let her know his opinion with no filters.

"Tom was really good at this kind of stuff. It must run in your guys' genes or something because you're not doing half bad yourself. Thank you." She lightly punched his shoulder. It was nice to know that there was someone else to talk to. Someone who would be there for her. It was a comforting relief.

"I think that's a compliment." He said a little sarcastically.

Ashley's smile faded. "I miss him." Another tear slipped from her eye. It was going to be weird not having him hound her. Tom was good at that. Always making sure that he'd keep an eye on her and keep her safe. He had done a pretty good job over the years.

Stan brushed a hair behind her ear. "I'm going to too." His eyes were misting up, but he did well at hiding his emotion. "I transferred to his precinct though, so you're not rid of us yet." He tried to make a joke. It was a bit of a fail.

"Only when I was a stubborn fool did I want him gone. But even then, it was nice to know he was watching out for me. I should've been nicer to him." A lump tried to form in her throat. A reminder of the regret that wanted to haunt her.

Stan squeezed her arm. "You did fine. He loved you just as much as he did Molly. You were just like a daughter to him."

The reassurance felt good. It helped ease her. "Molly?"

"His daughter."

"He told me to tell her something." She barely could manage to swallow, as her chin tried to begin shaking. Even with the pain meds, her gut twisted uncomfortably, reminding her how real everything still was. "Can you arrange a meeting with her for me?"

"Sure thing, Ash." He briefly offered her a small smile. "After you get out of here. Okay?"

The thought of what would happen after she recovered was a mystery. She wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in jail. She deserved it after all, but the thought terrified her. She didn't know if she had what it would take to survive in there. And after she'd get out of there, there was no life for her left. "Where will I be after I get out of here?"

Stan looked away. "I don't know. I haven't been told anything yet." He pulled his gaze back up and put his hand down to hers, squeezing it. "But I'll be with you every step of the way. You can count on it."

Ashley squeezed his hand back and gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

"I brought someone with for you to talk to." He said slowly. "Give him a chance."

Her eyes lit up. Partly with confusion, partly with anticipation. "Who is it?"

"Remember to give him a chance." He didn't answer her question, but rose from his position. "I'll send him in."

A Liberated Decision - COMPLETED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum