Weiss Schnee (yes, this is a chapter)

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"When I look at you... I'm home. And I've gone so long feeling so alone... you... make me feel like I'm not alone. I don't want that to go away... I don't want you to go away."

I reached my hand out to grab Weiss's as we walked through the halls but of course she moved away from me. No matter how long we've been dating for, she won't ever let me do anything even a bit romantic with her in public. I was fine at first but then Neptune came along, constantly hitting on her and I wasn't 'allowed' to do anything about it.

I rolled my eyes and walked a little faster, not bothering to hold the door open for Weiss as I sat farther away from Weiss then I would've usually done. Weiss took her seat and scanned the room, looking for me. My eyes met hers, she looked hurt. I felt bad but I was still mad.

And hella stubborn.

Class went on like normal, I turned to my right, expecting to see Weiss but just met with Velvet. I sent her a smile before looking ahead at Weiss.

Lunch rolled around and Neptune decided to join us...again. Five minutes into lunch and he continued to hit on my girlfriend, who didn't care enough to stop him. We both shared a knowing look and she leaned over to whisper, "Just ignore him, hun."

"You aren't even going to try to stop him?" I mumbled. Weiss sighed and shook her head. I knew if I stayed any longer then I would probably end up yelling at Weiss so...I got up, throwing out the rest of my lunch and storming off. Weiss went after me as I made my way onto the roof. I usually went up here because it calmed me down, just staring out at the world made me feel immediately better.

"(Y/n), can you please wait? Can we at least talk about this?"

I whipped my head back to look at her as I continued up the stairs, "What is there to talk about?"

"I'm sorry, okay?!" Weiss called out for me again, following me up to the roof. Once I opened the door outside, I smiled when I felt the cool breeze hit me, "(Y/n)." Weiss gathered my attention again as she apologized.

"Why do you have to do this? You know how I feel about you and you said you returned my feelings, was that just a lie? If you want to be with Neptune, then be with him but quit leading me on!"

"You dunce!" Weiss yelled, crossing her arms, "You really think I don't like you? Are you kidding me!?" Weiss sighed, shaking her head, "You don't get it, do you? I've never felt this way about anyone before...I'm...I'm nervous to do those types of things in public...I'm just...not ready yet....I wish I could better explain to you how much I care for you. When I look at you...I'm home. And I've gone so long feeling alone...you...make me feel like I'm not alone. I don't want that to go away...I don't want you to go away..." Weiss explained, tearing up.

"Weiss....I..I'm sorry..."

"No, it's...my fault...I should've shut Neptune up from the beginning because I could never like someone like him...(Y/n)...I love you.."

"Y-You...love me..?" I questioned and Weiss nodded.

"I love you." Weiss repeated, a small smile forming on her face.

"I love you too, Weiss...so, so much.." I brought the smaller girl into a hug, grinning as I planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

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