She Cheats On You

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-Neon Katt

This will not affect any other scenarios

"I trust Ruby, I would never look through her phone." I said to Jaune, who tried to convince me that he saw her with someone.

"Dude, I'm telling you, she was kissing this short kid named Oscar!" Jaune said, pushing Ruby's phone into my hands which I pushed back into his.

"I'm not doing it, I'm respecting her privacy and I'm not looking!"

"I'm your bestfriend, I'm trying to look out for you!" Jaune held up the phone to my face, showing me Ruby's messages with this Oscar kid. They had planned dates when I went on missions and they were quite flirty.

"Jaune, there's a date planned for today!" I said as Jaune grabbed my wrist and said that me and him were gonna catch her in the act.
I held Ruby's phone in my hands as Jaune and I walked to the location of the date.

"What if she really is cheating on me?" I mumbled to myself aloud.

"Let's not think negatively." Jaune said as he opened the door to the little cafe and I walked inside, immediately spotting Ruby and some kid sitting across from each other in a booth. Jaune and I walked by them pretending we were being seated, I turned to Ruby and waved; her face went pale when she saw me. I walked over with Jaune and he introduced himself to Oscar.

"I'm (Y/n), Ruby's girlfriend." I said, shaking Oscar's hand.

"Girlfriend? That can't be right..." Oscar mumbled, taking his hand away from Ruby's, which he was holding.

"By the way, Ruby, you left your phone." I slid the phone to Ruby, the screen showed her messages to Oscar.

"(Y/n), it's not what you think." She stood up, her voice low; not trying to cause a scene in such a crowded place.

"Really? Well I think that you and Oscar are on a date, correct?" I asked Oscar who gave me an awkward nod.

"Can I please explain?" Ruby tried to grab my hand but I stepped back.

"I'm leaving, come on, Jaune." Jaune nodded and followed me, stopping Ruby from getting to me. I didn't want to cry before I left but I couldn't help it, by the time I was outside my makeup was completely ruined and I was a crying mess.

I turned the corner, letting out an audible gasp as I saw the blue haired boy kissing my girlfriend. I knew him, he flirted with Weiss a lot. They both heard me and turned to face me, Weiss's eyes were wide and Neptune simply smirked; going in for another kiss before getting pushed away by Weiss.

"Weiss–I really...I-" I tried to say something but I started to let out sobs in between each word, Weiss tried to comfort me and took a step closer; I walked backwards away from her.

"This was a mistake, please, (Y/n)." Weiss begged as she tried to step closer to me again.

"Mistakes usually only happen once or twice, I wouldn't count this as a mistake." Neptune said, only making my heart shatter even more... this wasn't the first time Weiss cheated on me..?

"Don't listen to him, can we please talk about it?" Weiss pleaded but I shook my head, she took another step towards me and I ran away; back to my dorm where I could cry alone without worrying about running into Weiss or anyone else for that matter.

My mission was very dangerous and it had taken two more days than it was supposed to, when I got back all I wanted to do was cuddle my girlfriend and hangout with my bestfriend, Sun.

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