You Two Celebrate Your Anniversary Together

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-Neon Katt

Ruby shoved a heart shaped box into my hands, looking away and blushing as she did so.

It was clear Ruby had made the box, inside there was taped pictures of our memories along with some cookies. The cookies were also clearly made by Ruby. She thrived at a lot of things, was not one of them.

"Ruby, did you make this for me?" I said, smiling.

"Y-Yeah! It's for year..anniversary. D-Do you l-like it?" Ruby's face was now as red as her cape.

"Yes! But...I have to tell you that.." I pulled out a pastry box, "I got you cookies too! Since...they're your favorite too."

Ruby grinned, quickly taking the box from me, "You're the best!"

"Sorry that I didn't make them, I thought you would prefer them more if they weren't burnt." I half joked.

"Let's go to your dorm room and play some video games and eat these cookies!" Ruby suggested, grabbing my free hand and pulling me towards the dorms.

"Close your eyes."


"Close your eyes." Weiss commanded and I did, I felt her somewhat cold hands brush against hand as I felt her put a ring on my finger, "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and looked down at my hand, the ring was stunning, "W-Weiss, it's beautiful."

"It's a promise ring," Weiss explained, "It looks good on you, it compliments you well."

"This looks really expensive, Weiss."

"I think you sometimes forget who I am." Weiss responded with a laugh, "Now, get dressed because I made a reservation for us."

"Don't you want to know what I got you?" I questioned.

"You got me something?" Weiss looked a little shocked, I guess she still wasn't used to getting gifts. I remember the first time I saw her room in Atlas, it was huge and empty and when I met her family, it just showed me how little support Weiss had. So, it was no surprise when she was shocked during the first birthday of hers we spent together that I had got her a gift. Her face lit up and she cried, just like now, she wasn't used to getting gifts. Weiss teared up and turned away from me, it was happy tears though.

"Weiss, you can't cry before you've even seen the gift!"

"I'm not crying!" She turned away, wiping away the tears that apparently didn't exist.

I handed her the small box and she opened it, I had gotten her coral red earrings, "I thought that they would go for the gloves on your new huntress outfit."

Weiss hugged me, "They're perfect. I love them and I love you." Weiss kissed me, I could feel her smiling against my lips.

I pulled away, "I love you too."

"Now, get dressed because I will not be happy if we miss dinner."

"Get out."

"I can't believe we're getting shooed out of our own dorm." Weiss complained as I kicked RWY out of the room.

I pushed Yang and Blake's bunk bed aside to make room for a small table where I set up for a dinner I made for Blake and I. I wouldn't dare to touch Ruby and Weiss's bed, I was far too afraid of it falling on me. I set candles up all around the dorm and one on the table.

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