You Tell Her A Pickup Line

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-Neon Katt

A/N - Velvet's is my favorite by far and Penny's

"If you were an angle, you'd be an acute angle."

"I don't understand, I'm not an angle." Ruby replied, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I facepalmed.

"Never mind."

"Can you hold something for me?" I asked when Weiss and I were walking to class together.

"Fine, but just this once. I'm not like baggage claim so don't expect this very often. What do you need me to hold?"

Weiss stuck her hand out and I put my hand in hers, grabbing hers, "My hand." I cheekily said and Weiss's face lit up blushing as she used her other hand to cover her face.

"My favorite letters in the alphabet are U R A Q T." I said to Blake as we cuddled.

She turned to face me before speaking, "That was dumb." She looked back at her book as I started to pout.

"No, it was romantic!" I whined and Blake turned back to me.

"No, it was stupid." Before I could reply, Blake pressed her lips against mine, silencing me.

"Are you a light-switch? 'Cause you turn me on." I said and Yang burst out laughing.

"Is there a mirror in your pants? 'Cause I see myself in them." Yang winked at me as my face heated up.

"Are you from the ghetto? Because I'm trying to ghetto hold of that ass." Yang and I both started to laugh before Yang started to talk again.

"You're like my little toe, I'm gonna bang you on every piece of furniture."

"Your lips look lonely...would they like to meet mine?" I asked, a sly smile on my face causing Yang to blush and cover her face.

"You win." Yang said, removing her hands from her face revealing her smile and blush. She quickly leaned in to kiss me.

I stood at Pyrrha's lunch table where she sat with her team and team RWBY before I spoke, "Have you been to the doctor lately? 'Cause I heard you were lacking some Vitamin Me." Yang highfived me as Pyrrha looked at me with a confused stare.

"What? I have been to the doctor lately but Vitamin Me isn't a thing. I don't understand." Pyrrha said and Yang and I simultaneously facepalmed.

"Let's flip a coin; heads your mine, tails I'm yours." I said to Nora, showing her the coin in my hand as she giggled. She pulled me onto her lap and kissed me.

"You're cute." She mumbled against my lips causing me to smile and blush.

"On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9–" I was about to finish my pickup line when Emerald hit me upside the head.

"I'm a ten!" She yelled, clearly offended.

"You didn't let me finish!" I whined.

"I didn't like where this was going."

"You're a 9 because I'm the 1 you need! Get it?" Emerald sighed and shook her head.

"That was so dumb." Emerald said, pulling me in for a kiss.

"But I got a kiss for it so go me."

"Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?" I said, winking at Cinder.

"Thank you for finally noticing!" Cinder yelled, throwing her hands up in the air as she sighed.

"Baby, you're always hot!" I reassuringly said.

"Is your name Nobody?—"

"No, it's Raven, you know that. Are you alright? Did you hit your head or something?"

"No, just let me finish! Is your name Nobody? 'Cause once someone told me that Nobody's perfect." I winked at Raven who just sighed and flicked my forehead.


Neon Katt
"Wanna know what's on the menu?—"

"They have some burgers and fries and—"

"Me-n-u." I winked at Katt who's face immediately flushed.

"I love you." Katt said, pulling me in for a quick kiss, "But you are such a dork."

"How are you?" I asked Velvet as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me as we walked.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good too but I just wanted to let you know that if you're feeling down, I can feel you up." I said, winking at the short girl. She hugged me and then hid her face in the crook of my neck, successfully hiding her blush causing me to laugh. She playfully punched my arm causing me to laugh more and pull her even closer to me.

She looked up at me and whispered, "I'm kinda feeling down right now." The playful smirk on her face was evident as I pulled away, my face was bright as I clutched my bleeding nose causing Velvet to laugh.

"Are you art? 'Cause I want to nail you up against a wall." I said to Coco, smirking.

Coco grinned, pushing me against the wall and pinning my arms above my head, "Really? That's your line?"

"Could you come up with something better?" I asked as Coco's lips brushed against mine.

"This," Coco pressed her lips against mine, her hand traveling up my shirt.

'What should we do?' Neo asked/signed, completely bored out of her mind.

"How about I give you a kiss and if you don't like it you can return it." I said, a cheeky grin on my face as Neo smiled.

'I like that idea.' Neo signed as I leaned in and pecked her lips. She quickly cupped my face and smashed her lips back onto mine.

"Are you from Google? 'Cause you have everything I'm searching for." I winked at Penny who looked at me, confused.

"I don't understand, I'm not from Google but I do have the abilities of a online search engine." Penny stated causing me to facepalm.

"Penny, that was a pickup line." I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"A...pickup line? I'm not familiar with that word. What does it mean?"

"Just...J-Just...Shut up and kiss me!" I sighed as Penny pulled me in for a kiss, her face heating up.

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