She Says 'I love you' For The First Time

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-Neon Katt

You walked into the RWBY dorm, where Yang and Ruby stood talking.

"There she is! Say it now!" Yang pushed Ruby in front of you as she watched the scene unfold.

"Say what?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Yang, I can't do it!" Ruby turned to her older sister with pleading eyes.

"Do what? A-Are you breaking up w-with me?" Your voice cracked and you tried not to cry.

"N-No, please don't cry! I love you." Ruby hugged you and started to leave kisses all over your face.

"I-I love you too." You sniffled back and kissed her.

"Weissssss, can we please go to Jaune's party?" You begged, Jaune was your bestfriend but Weiss hated him and didn't want to go to his party because of that.

"No." Her reply was simple and short.

"Pleaseeeeee?" You tried again and you could see her get angry. Weiss suggested you cuddle instead, which was exactly what you were doing but you still pleaded her to go.

"You're so annoying, you're lucky I love you." Weiss said on the way to Jaune's door.

"Aw, Weiss, I love you too!" You smiled and kissed her cheek causing her face to become red.

"Can you stop reading that book? Ninjas of love or whatever." You asked Blake, wanting her attention to be on you and not the book, she simply shook her head.

"Wanna play video games with me instead?" Yang asked and you nodded, rushing by her to play. You guys played for at least an hour and Blake finally stopped reading. She said she had to go to the library and she kissed your cheek.

"Bye, (Y/n), see you later, okay? Love you." Yang and you turned your heads to look at her, completely shocked at what she had said. You quickly tackled her to the ground and kissed her.

"Blakey, I love you too!" She groaned at your nickname for her but kissed you back anyways.

When Yang, Weiss, and Blake had decided to go to a bar (it was Yang's idea), Ruby was left behind. You wanted to go but felt bad leaving Ruby behind. After an hour, they hadn't come back so you assumed that you could leave the napping Ruby alone.

You set off to the bar and saw Yang, who smiled at you and gestures for you to come towards her. You made your way towards her but a guy cut you off.

"Can I buy you a drink?" You politely shook your head 'no', and tried to walk past him but he wouldn't let you. Yang quickly ran to your side.

"Hey, man, that's my girlfriend there." Yang told the man who shrugged it off.


"So? That's the love of my life, y'know the girl that I love so how about you leave?" Yang glared at the man as he stormed off.

"I love you too, thanks for protecting me." You smiled as Yang wrapped her arm around you.

"I'll always protect you."

"Can I borrow your textbook for Port's class?" You asked Pyrrha before leaving her room, she smiled and gave it to you; sending you off with a kiss to the cheek.

Later that night, you opened the book and almost all of the pages were scribbled on. They had drawings of you and Pyrrha or your initials and just compliments about you; it was adorable. On the back of the front cover, Pyrrha wrote "Pyrrha loves (Y/n)", you smiled and wrote "(Y/n) loves Pyrrha" right under it. You handed her the textbook the next day, right before class.

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