"Such harsh words coming from my own creation." The old man smirked. "And if you want me to die so badly, just kill me."

Yoongi teared up, his pent up anger revolving inside of him. He couldn't believe he used to look up to this man. He couldn't believe he loved this man.

This wasn't his father. This wasn't a monster. Hell, this wasn't even a demon.

This disgusting creature was the devil himself.

"I wish I could, but I know that I would never get anything out of it." Yoongi grabbed the first thing he saw in the corner of his eye: the stapler.

He snatched it, opening it and pressing it on the older man's hand. A growl-like noise rang through hia ears as he threw the stapler across the room and stormed out of the office.

If this thing wouldn't help him, he would have to help himself.

"Are you tired, Joonie?" Jin asked leading the younger to the park bench.

"A little..." The younger held onto Jin's hand still, smiling at his caring boyfriend.

Jin nodded and sat down, letting Namjoon sit and put his head on his shoulder. His long fingers ran through his hair, his lips placing a sweet kiss on the younger's lips.

Namjoon smiled up at the man and cuddled into him, loving his warmth.

"Mommy, look!"

The two men looked up, a woman and a child walking across their view.

The woman looked at the two in disgust, leading her child away. "Come on, Stephanie. Let's go get some ice cream, hm? We don't want to see these dis-gusting creatures."

Namjoon blinked, staring as the child tried to go back near the park. He was confused by the woman. Disgusting creaturs? Was that what they seemed like to the world.


Namjoon looked over to see another woman glaring at the woman with the child, her silver hair short on her shoulders.

The woman looked back at the silver haired woman. "What do you want?"

"Apologize, now." She pointed to Namjoon and Seokjin.

"Why should I apologize? They shouldn't bring their sinfulness to my neighborhood park!"

"Peter 4:8 'Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.' That is a verse in the bible you study in which you think states that being homophobic is the right way."

The woman with the child stared at her. She grimaced and turned away, not saying a word.

The silver-haired woman looked at the two men who were holding each other so lovingly. "I'm sorry. People are terrible these days. I wish that would change."

Seokjin smiled. "Thank you. We appreciate it."

The woman nodded and waved good bye, taking her leave.

Namjoon gulped, turning to the man he loved. "Does that happen a lot?"

"It's common, especially in Korea," he said, turning to the younger. "But they'll never stop me from loving you."

Namjoom smiled, placing a kiss on Jin's lips. "They can never stop me from loving you either."



"Wanna know something cool, Joon?"

Namjoon nodded, looking into Jin's eyes.

"When we get married, nothing will change besides the fact that you're mine forever and that we have rings on our fingers."

Namjoon raised a brow. "Hm?"

"Both of our last name's are Kim." Jin smiled. "I'll be the world wide handsome Kim Seokjin even when I'm married."

Namjoon chuckled and held him tightly. "Yeah, but you know what else won't change?"


"The fact that I love you more than I love anything in this world."

Love who you love yall. Tell those haters to suck your cock and fuck off🤧💜

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