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It was the only thing on your mind as you chased Hoseok around.

He were going to murder him.



You jumped onto his back. "THAT WAS MY FAVORITE SHIRT!!"


Really, it was all fun and games, but it was your favorite shirt. It was a plain white shirt, but it fit your size perfectly. With the simple, yet big curves you had, the shirt was a special gem.

Hoseok put it in the washer with the red clothes. Now your shirt was red and pink. Like blood.

And you were going to cause a lot of that today if he didn't buy you a new shirt of the same size.

Suddenly, you felt long warm hands wrap around your waist from behind. They pulled you off of Hoseok and into something hard and warm.

"Y/n, you need to calm down. I'll buy you a new one," the voice said. It was Yoongi.

You pouted. "He ruined my shirt, Yoongs."

He chuckled and nodded, hugging you softly. "I know, I know. I will get you a new one, I promise."

You blushed softly, crossing your arms over your chest. "I'm still upset."

And that's how you ended up at the store with the boys.

You lead them to the shirts, passing the bra side. You spotted a really cute one, rushing over.

"Oh my god. I love this." They all felt awkward besides Yoongi. He was used to you going to the feminine places. He even went to Victoria's Secret by himself before because you were sick and already ordered a bralette and it needed to be picked up.

He nodded. "It's cute. Do you want it?" He looked at you.

You smiled and nodded. He grabbed it, holding onto it for you.

"Thank you," you sang happily.

You finally got to the place with your favorite shirt, and you grabbed the shirt, rushing to the changing rooms.

After a while, Yoongi knocked on the door and you opened it slightly. You were only in your bra.

"Hey, does it fi-"

Something, or rather someone, shoved him, causing him to fly into the room with you. Two rather small hands grabbed your shirt and fled.

You widened your eyes and covered yourself with your arms. Yoongi tried to open the door, but it was locked from the outside.

You and Yoongi were stuck in the changing room by yourself.

Locked in.

With you shirtless.

You were highly embarrassed as Yoongi tried not to look at you. He didn't want to make everything awkward, even though they already were.

"Dammit," he cursed, laying his head against the door.

His long fingers then slipped his shirt off, pushing it toward you. "Here, Y/n."

You grabbed it quickly, putting it on over your small body. You felt like a child in it because of its size.

He turned around and saw you. His cheeks were tinted a bright red, as were yours as you saw the six bumps across his lower torso.

You gulped slightly and looked back up at him. "Well, this is weird."

"Agreed," he said and kept looking you up and down. He found you very adorable in his shirt.

But the bad thing was...

You wearing a black bra.

And his shirt was white.


You were both sitting on the floor. It's been about 20 minutes since Yoongi was pushed in here.

You never noticed it, but there was a bigger bulge in Yoongi's pants than usual.

The sight of your cleavage just made him excited. He couldn't help it. You were a very attractive female and that made him more excited than he should be with you.

He wasn't the only one feeling this way, though. You couldn't deny that his v-line and abs made you excited also. Your stomach was burning because of it.

But you both held back. It was just a sexual attraction and you didn't want anything to happen.

Soon, you got cold. The A.C. was up very high, as usual in stores a lot. You began to shake slightly and Yoongi noticed.

He pulled you into his lap, your head now in his chest.

You didn't mind. You shoved your head in his neck for warmth and wrapped your arms around his chest. You both loved this feeling, cuddling each other as if it was the only thing you could do to survive.

All the other boys were having fun around the store, playing with the toys and doing the floor is lava challenge.

They knew why you both were taking so long. It was Jimin's idea. He stole your shirt and made sure to take everything else.

They planned to keep you in there for an hour to give time for magic to happen. But they knew it probably wouldn't.

You yawned and cuddled closer to him.

"Are you tired, Y/n?" Yoongi asked.

You nodded. "Y-yeah..."

"Take a nap. I'll wake you up when we get out, okay?"

You nodded and rubbed your eyes. You were so adorable to Yoongi as he watched your eyes flutter shut. Your breathing settled down and you were off in dream land.

Yoongi held you, keeping you close as you slept in his arms. He rubbed your cheek softly, pecking your forehead.

He ran his hand up and down your back. He knew that was how you calmed down when you were stressed out. And he loved to do it.

The feeling of your spine seemed to calm him. You were both used to it.

He twirled your hair and whispered nothingness into your ear.

His eyelids got heavy and he soon laid down, falling asleep onto the floor.

And once the boys came back, they couldn't help but fawn over the beautiful sight.

i love fluff.

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