Chapter 9

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Embers POV

I opened my eyes to the sunlight pouring thew a window I squint my eyes and look around at first I thought I was in my room but I realized I was in someone else's bed in some one else's house I jolt up and gasp in pain I look down and I see my chest wrapped in cloth my leg was in a splint and the cuts on my legs had been cleaned my head pounded and I look into a pan of water on a table beside the bed and I see my head wrapped in bandages as well I lift myself out of the bad and limp over to the door open it slightly I look around the room to see no one I slowly creep down the stairs and look around I don't know why but I started looking threw drawings I realize they were plans and measurements for what looks like a prosodic wing I look at different drawings of dragons and stop at one that looked so familiar a night fury with spots and stripes of electric blue this was a drawing of sky I was admiring the drawings so much I didn't even hear the Clank, clank, clank, behind me you have a very intelligent and beautiful dragon says a familiar voice behind me I slowly turn around to see hiccup behind me who looks like he just woke up turn and pick up some of the drawings and look at hiccup did you draw these I ask uh huh he say while nodding these are amazing I say looking at the pictures in awe oh there nothing really he says I look up and I could have sworn I saw him blush... Oh Astrid came by she picked up some clothes for you there up in the room he says really I say looking down at what I was wearing it looks like I'm a old maid or hag I say quietly apparently hiccup heard me no you don't he say kindly I didn't believe him I was wondering where sky is I asked worried not that I didn't trust hiccup I mean he saved me but she was the only thing I have left and I didn't want to loose her oh she's in the rehabilitation center I just completed I already working on her new tail you know like the one that toothless has so she will be up and in the sky before you know it he says my eyes fill with joy and I quickly hug hiccup thank you I say happily for every thing your welcome ember he says blushing um if you'll excuse me I need to get to the training academy and here's a map of berk so you don't get lost thanks I say taking the paper the entire roof starts to shake and dust falls from the rafters IM COMING TOOTHLESS hiccup yells well see you later hiccup say while running out the door.


Ambers POV

As I walked thew the village on my way to the rehab center for dragons I stopped at astrid's to thank her for the clothes I knocked on the door and no one answered I shrug and keep walking I was very happy with the new clothes i had gotten a light tan dress with white fur as a collar with a white wool sweater and fur boots I tied my honey and chocolate brown wavy hair into a bun and left the house it was about mid autumn and I felt like I was getting sick I finally reached the center and opened one of the big wooden doors in there I found dragons of all types nadders, zipplebacks, terrible terrors, even a sculdren hiccup told me sky was in stable 7 I walked down a hall and saw a ky she looked warm and happy curled up on a slat of chard granite I stepped inside the stable I was surprised there were no fence or gate just a large open room sky was asleep and I pet her smooth head she creaked open one eye and saw me she yawned and licked me on my face ewww sky I cry and she looks at me with big puppy dog eyes so it looks like your going to have a new tail soon I say she jumps around slightly and sits beside me so want to go look around I ask she purrs with satisfaction and walks out of the room wait for me I say I'm the one with the map we both walk toward the academy and I see hiccup was I the middle of a lesson I don't want to interrupt teacher hiccup so I sit on one of the railings and sky sits next to me folds in her wings and perks up her ears I giggle and keep listening about 10 mins into the lesson hiccup stops so who's the new girl asks a blonde haired guy who looks like the gender swap to I'm guessing his sister sitting beside him that is Amber and please ruff but I'm almost do- but why isn't she here asks his sister because she looked tired and she has a broken leg and rib and she's been threw a lot and I don't want to stress her I smile at hiccup's patience and his thoughtfulness and also who's night fury is that asks a guy who looks like bad news and stuck up just by his voice because if it's no ones I call dibs on the girl and the dragon and I'll call the dragon blue killer. Sky growls and narrows her eyes at the thought of that guy being her rider and the thought of that terrible name I set my hand on her wing even though I wanted to punch him in the throat she looks at me and her eyes turn back to normal and we continue continue listening hiccup looks at the guy with a I want to strangle you look and says for one thing that is the dragon's name is Sky and second that girl is known as Amber and if you were listening yesterday that's her dragon and third you can't call dibs on living things the dude just roles his eyes and gives out an annoyed huff and turn his attention else were now any more questions or interruptions ok hiccup looks at the sundial well looks like I'm done with that the twins mount a zippleback and fly off like wild monkeys in 3 seconds flat wow that's a new record says Astrid mounting her dragon hey see you tomarrow she says and flys after her one persone was left he left as well and the only ones left were hiccup and toothless I walk down to the arena and watch hiccup put everything up nice lesson I say hiccup turns around and smiles oh thanks you didn't hear the last part right I look at him if I said no I would be lying I smirk oh her says looking down hey um if your not doing anything I was wondering if you would join me for lunch I look at him perplexed are you asking me out on a date hiccup I say raising an eyebrow n-no he says I was just wondering because I would like to get to know you better of course hiccup I would love to but what about sk- I was cut off by sky pushing me so hard I fell in to hiccup s-sorry I blush as I stand up its fine hiccup says smiling well if sky can make it back to the dragon center and not get into any thing she should be fine he says I turn to sky who was playing with toothless and say sky can you do that she purrs and I turn toward hiccup she said she can do it in her sleep she says you speak dragon her asks I nod you got to teach me he says ok toothless come here he says hiccup grabs a leather bag off the table shall we be off he says in a funny voice I laugh yes we shall I copy he smiles and helps me on toothless I wave to sky and she runs off ok toothless hiccup says take us to raven point with that we burst into the air and headed off.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerWhere stories live. Discover now