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3 years later

"Come on Eli," I laughed as I threw a pebble at my best friend.

"I'm coming coming," he huffed.

"Hey you have to be nice to me it's my birthday."

"Yah yah lets just get a move on," he laughed.

We were going on a camping trip just me and him for my sixteenth birthday....which I didn't mind it's just he's my crush...and the worst part about it is that I can't tell him what if he stops being friends with me....I couldn't think about that he's helped me through so much 2 years ago new recruits came in and some didn't seem to like me, they called me horrible names that I don't even like to think of. Being sensitive and all I took those words to heart and they changed me into this unhappy girl who shied away from people and kept everything she felt inside. Eli brought me out of that and he stood up to the ones who called me names when I couldn't...he protected me. Now I don't want to loose that.

"Now who's the one falling behind." I heard Eli call I was snapped out of my thoughts and I look up to see Eli already standing next to Polar and Flare.

I smile and join him, "so where are we going?" I ask.

"Your dad suggested a place near Raven point he said we should try over there."

My breath hitched in my throat and I started choking on my own saliva. I knew exactly where my dad was wanting us to go.

"H-how about the beach?" I smiled trying to hide the fact I didn't want to go to the suggested site.

"Nah, come one let's try your dad's idea."

Suddenly Eli flew up into the sky and I climbed onto the saddle.

"Yah willow let's try your dad's idea." mocked Flare.

I growled at him and smacked him with my bag.

Flare growled back and took off into the air to follow Eli and Polar.

Half way there I realized Eli was a bit quieter than usual curious to know what was going on in his head I asked. "Whatcha thinking about?"

Eli was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me. "Nothin." He lied....Eli lied to me I could always tell when he was lying because when he does he bites his lip and he can't make eye contact with the person he's lying to.

"Race you to the camping site." He said as he flew off into the air I smile unable to stay mad at him and flew off after him. After a few minutes we landed on the familiar ground. The stone, moss covered walls, the small fish abundant pond the beauty canopy of over hanging was the cove.

"Wow this place is beautiful," Eli said in awe as he looked around at the sites.

I nodded I loved this place it was so peaceful and calming my entire family had such good memories in this place. Dad meet Toothless here, Mom met Dad here, then dad found mom after she faked her death here, they both got married here, I took my first steps here, many camping trips were spent here.

"Let me show you something" I smiled. I walked over to a moss covered cave in the side of the stone wall it was hidden between two blackberry bushes and it looked like an animal used to live there. In the rock above the entrance a few words were carved into the rock: WILLOWS CAVE KEP OWT.

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