New approach

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I landed on the mast and looked down. I heard yelling and shouting and I see the hybrids looking up at us bows drawn and aimed.

Wow you guys sure are welcoming to guests aren't you I frown looking at my sword.

One guy fires an arrow but it missed I caught it and snapped it in two and tucked the point in my belt.

Nor are you a good aim, I laugh.

What are you doing, asked hiccup.

I don't know improvising I didn't have a plan. I turn back to the hybrids they looked confused. Now I'm going to say this one time and one time only you guys are going to give me my friends and every single person that is innocent or else we are going to take them then we are going to -

Just then arrows zipped by my head and my eyes snapped toward the Hybrids, suddenly I don't know how but one person keep out the fact that I was a 22 year old girl struck fear into the entire crowd below me.

Fine I simply said draw my sword plan B's good too.

With one last look behind me I heard the dragon roar and with that I raised my sword in the air hiccup grabbed my hand with a determined look in his eyes. And in unison we yelled our battle cry and kept off the mast and into battle.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum