What happen to our dragons

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I slowly opened my eyes.

Ow my head I complained blood seeps into my eyes I touch the cuts on my face and sit up.
Out of the corner of my eye I see a body lying in the sand...it was hiccup. I scrambled to get up but my ankle felt broken. I slowly but surly got to hiccup's side

Hiccup? Hiccup! I yell shaking him, I hear a moan and he rolls he slowly opens his green eyes blood seeped from a gash on his shoulder.

Are you ok I asked him

I've been better he said sitting up. he looks downs this leg...well at least I didn't loose the other one.

I look around but I don't see Sky or Toothless any where.

Where'd they go hiccup says standing up.

I don't know but we better find them.

We trudge through the sand it was hard with my ankle but I kept going. just then we see something lying on the sand it was a person about hiccup's age he had black spiky messy hair he wore a gray cloth long sleeve shirt and black pants, no shoes. He looked unconscious.

Hello are you ok I called running up to him and Hiccup trailing behind.

I knelt down and pressed my ear up to his chest.

Still breathing, I say. Help me get him into the shade.

What?! What if he's on of the cannibals.

Does he look like a cannibal to you Hiccup, I say pointing to his face he looked innocent.

I'm still tying him to the tree to be safe, insisted hiccup.

Remind me agin why I love you I say grabbing the guys arm and pulling him into the shade and propping him up against a tree.

Because I love you.

I roll my eyes and hiccup grabs thick hanging vines from a near by tree and ties the guys hands to the tree.

Two hours later-----

I was worried my best friend Toni wasn't back I could find Sky and this guy still hasn't woken up.

Here. Hiccup says handing me a flask of water, I went to go drink it but I soon was spitting it out.

THIS IS SALT WATER! I exclaimed pushing hiccup into the sand.

It's not for you this guy needs to wake up she takes the water from my hand and slashes it on the guy's face. A few short seconds past and he was soon coughing up water.


How do you know my name said hiccup stepping back.

It's me said the guy its your best but...wait you can understand me.

Well of course I can understand you what am I stupid.

The guy turned to me Amber tell him.

Who are you I said


Wait I know those eyes anywhere, said hiccup sounding astonished. Toothless is that you?

I what do you mean hiccup this isn't Toothless.

SKY?! Toothless called out. he went to get up but was restrained by the vines. Let me go toothless said struggling to get free...I promise I am Toothless.

I soon recognized those green eyes and I drew my dagga and cut him loose.

Thank you he said sniffing the air.

Umm Toothless could you stop that, hiccup asks.

Just than toothless half stumbled slash ran you of the shade and in the opposite direction.

We followed him he kept tripping and falling but he soon stopped and looked up in a tree.

SKY! Can you hear me.

I just heard a groan of a girl I looked up in the tree and saw a black long curly haired girl with blue markings on her face and arms like electric tattoos she was tangled in vines she worn a ripped blue shirt and black pants.

Yep that's Sky I said

After we got Sky out of the tree was all sat down and discussed how this happen none of us had a clue but we all knew this dude we are up against is stronger than he looks.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerWhere stories live. Discover now