Chapter 2

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Amber's Pov

I wake up will a sudden jolt and sit up screaming mother. I hear sky jump up making the small rickety boat tip to the side it is about 6:00 according to the sun you turn and hear a low rumble I turn my head to see dark clouds.

Ohh..Noo I say out loud about five minutes later I were being soaked and half drowned by the sea water and rain sky was roaring in fear as a crackle of lighting and deafening thunder roared I turned around to see a huge wave come down on top of the small boat causing the boat to sink with the weight of the green suffocating water swallow me in its depths I kick and paddle my way up and brake the surface of the water I gasp for air and cry out SKY...SKY WERE ARE YOU!!!

I frantically look around and paddle to toward a piece of drift wood then I black out.

Sky's Pov

As me and Amber crash into the cold sea I frantically paddle around trying to keep my head above the roaring waves

"Amber, Amber where are you", I roared although she cannot understand me I look around and see nothing just roaring waves and fading light above me. A crackle of lightning flashed and roar in fear everything is going wrong I thought i'm not supposed to end this way I am the only one of my kind but a glimmer of hope sparks in my heart I see and I see a small island in the distance. I paddle my way towards the island hopefully amber washed up there and I kicked and paddled my way thew the cold rain.

☕️ I am I the mood for coffee😜

And uh I'm to lazy to fix errors I made in the chapters but I promise I fixed them in the chapters ahead!!!!

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