A New Friend

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Willow's POV

As I silently tiptoed down the creaky wooded stairs I hoped that my parents wouldn't wake. I tend to sneak out of the house and go for a midnight flight it's a lot more peaceful than the crowded sky's in the day.

I grabbed my riding helmet and gear and raced out the back door and into the open field in the back where I meet Flare.
Like always he was sitting there in the tall grass his greenish gold eyes reflecting of the lantern I brought with me.

"Hey there bestie," Flare chimed as I buckled up my flight suit dad gave me for my last birthday and put in my helmet.

"Hey there lizard," I laughed as I climbed onto the saddle.

"I may be a reptile but I'm no plain lizard thank you very much." Flare huffed as he held his head high.

"Well I'm sorry your highneeness I didn't know you were so sensitive about your species."

"I am quite proud of my species."

"Just fly," I laughed and with my command Flare was in the air and over the harbor in seconds.

As we flew into and out of the clouds I took off my helmet and I laid back on my saddle and looked up at the stars.

"Look Flare it's Leo the Lion," I said as we floated silently threw the sky.

"Hey Willow not to ruin star gazing or anything but I see a familiar face down on the ground."

I sit up and look down and see the pure white and gray night fury Polar and Eli sitting on a cliff side. Neither Eli or Polar had noticed us but I was still determined to become friends with Eli so I silently landed behind Polar, but as soon as I stepped on the ground Polar tackled Flare to the ground and Eli ended up flipping me onto my back. Luckily I learned a few things from both dad and mom and ended up knocking Eli off his feet and pinning him to the ground.

"Get off of me," groaned Eli as he squirmed and tried to get out from under me.

"No," I simply said.

Eli sighed and his head landed back down on the ground. He looked defeated but not because I had won at pinning him to the ground... It was something else. I got up and sat down cross-legged and tilted my head I had spent a lot of time with dragons my entire life so I tend to tilt my head every once in a while. Eli looked at me and sat up.

"Thanks." He said flatly.

I smiled at him and I see Polar let Flare back up.

"So whatcha doing out here," I ask him.


"Of what?"

"How to get back home."

"Oh..." I say it was silent for a second before Eli spoke.

"What...are you doing out here?"

I shrug and stare up into the sky "I normally star gaze but sometimes I sit here on this ledge and let my thoughts flood into my head."

Eli looked down at his feet and sighed. "Don't let yourself think to much it tends to ruin the best of people."

"Eli..." I start. "What's wrong?"

Eli was silent for sometime and the only thing I could here were the crickets chirping and Flare and Polar whispering back and forth.

"Eli pleas-"

"My parents are dead." Eli quickly said.

I looked at him in shock no wonder he was sent here to his aunt.

"I'm sorry Eli."

"It's fine it was some time ago I should stop thinking about it."

I shook my head, "don't forget just let go of the pain."

Eli looked up at me and I saw the real him for a split second.

"Eli I haven't had to go through pain like you did but that doesn't mean I can't give you advice."

Eli looked back down at the ground and was silent again.

"Eli I want to be your friend," I said extending a hand, "but I'm just hoping you'll let me in and let me be your friend."

Eli looked at my hand and hesitantly reached for my hand soon his hand was on mine and I smiled and held his hand.

"Why would you want to be my friend?" Eli asked. " I've done nothing but shut you out and I was rude to you the first time we met."

I nodded and looked at him directly in the eyes " I wanted to be your friend because I felt like you really needed one at the moment."

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