Chapter 6

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Amber's POV

As I sat motionless waiting for the right time to move I barely breathed out of fear for my unimportant life thoughts stirred in my brain what if he was an outcast but he seemed gentle and kind just by the way he talked to his dragon and I thought outcasts hated dragons I look threw the bush where I was hiding the boy seemed to be talking to the dragon like it was a real person like I do with Sky I sat there watching in curiosity and awe as another dragon trainer was at home near the night fury I move my stiff leg to the right and it causes the rocks to move the dragon turned its attention to were I was hiding his eyes narrowed and he crept slowly toward the bush the black dragon stretched his neck over the bush and stared at me with curious and large eyes I grinned and he grinned as well I was careful not to laugh the dragon nuzzled my hand and I pet his nose and he purrs with delight I smile till he picks me up by the back of my shirt and starts walking toward wear the boy was sitting I was to surprised to speak but I keep trying to grab hold of saplings and edges of rocks to try and stop the dragon.

Once the dragon stops I realize we're right behind the brunette boy the dragon paws his back "what is it bud" asks the boy while turning around his face crashes into mine and I blush like crazy the dragon drops me and looks at the boy the boy looks at me than back at the dragon.

"TOOTHLESS WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU BRING ME STICKS NOT PEOPLE!" He looks down at me. "Oh sorry," he says while offering me his hand. I take it and try to stand but my leg buckles and I fall before I hit the ground toothless catches me from behind and props me up," ok,
we need to get you to Berk," the boy says.

He hoists me up on toothless and he jumps.

"You better hold on," he says, then he shoots up into the sky. I hold on to the closest thing, which was the boy in front of me.

I tap his shoulder ,"umm...excuse me but what's your name," I ask curiously.

"Oh my name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III and this is Toothless, and may I ask, what is your name."

"Oh, um my name is Amber Liken Mondrez."

"Well, nice to meet you Amber."

"Nice to meet you too Hiccup."

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن