Toothless is a good listener

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Toothless's POV

I watched as Hiccup's knees buckled and he fell to the ground.

"Well that didn't go very well." I laughed I looked over to Amber.

"Nope I thought he would have taken it better." She said to me." Come on lets get him back to my camp.

"How can you understand me," I asked Amber as I picked hiccup up and set him on my back.

Amber pulled out a necklace she was wearing and I realized it was a fragment of the toper of the staff the captain was using." I don't know how it has powers but it pretty cool so I kept it and destroyed the others." She said tucking back into her shirt.

Uh... can you only change into dragons, I asked as I followed her threw the forest.

No I can change into all different types of things, even different people.

Cool, I exclaimed, can you change into a bird.

Amber nodded and in seconds the awkward shapes and bending and shrinking resulted in a small blue jay sitting in front of me.

Wow, I purred as she changed back. Does shifting hurt?

Amber shook her head, but if I shift into something to fast I could pull something.

I followed Amber until we came to a cave where it looks like Amber has been spending her time.

You can set hiccup down right here she said looking at hiccup with love in her eyes.

I dropped hiccup off my back onto mat of dried leaves and deer fur and laid down, I watched as Amber leaned over Hiccup and tended to a cut he had gotten when he fainted.

You still love him don't you, I asked.

Amber's cheeks reddened," what do you mean, I've gotten over him I live on my own now I don't need..."

Amber paused.

"You don't need what?"

"I don't"

I was astonished by her answer the Amber I meet loved everything. "Why do you say that?"

Amber turned to me," because I put people in danger, I lead my friends on and impossible mission to kill a fleet of ships. I lead Bryan to his death, I nearly got the entire NFF killed...its not that I don't want love... it's that I don't deserve it... I am a danger to anyone... why do you think I'm not going back to NFF... its because I know that I will have to lead them and they don't need me to do that.

Hiccup suddenly started to stir in his sleep and Amber started to panic, she ran and grabbed a familiar looking prosthetic tail hiccup had made for me near Snogaltog years ago.

Here she said put this on.

Umm... Amber if you haven't noticed I don't have thumbs, I said.

Right, uh...I don't know how to put on a fake tail but I'll try.


Well here, she said. that is the best I can do now get home before Hiccup wakes up.

What are you kidding, I said, Hiccup, Sky Toni, your brothers and sister are all in deep depression, have to come back with us.

No! Amber yelled, "Out here I can't lead an entire colony to destruction."

You won't, I said.

Yes I will... now go Toothless.

I signed and got up and Amber secured hiccup to the saddle I reluctantly walked out of the cave and flew home.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora