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Hiccup's POV

Amber I yelled I suddenly see her fall into the ocean and sink. Anger filled me as I saw the evil smile of the Captain. I see Sky she was tangled in the ropes and she roared in fear and anger as she watched her rider sink. I then see Toothless he was struggling to get to the top of the boat. Toothless then saw me and jumped from his safe place and sunk his claws into the wood to get a good footing. Ethan and Tonia had fallen in the water and swam away from the vacuum of the sinking ship so they didn't get sucked under as well.

We need to find Amber, I told Toothless.

He understood and plunged into the water he swam down I desperately looked threw the dark and foggy water but didn't see a thing. I was starting to run out of air so I patted Toothless and he swam up to the surface. I then remembered Sky she was still entangled in the ropes. we fly up out of the water and I cut Sky free before the ship sinks. But as soon as I cut her loose, Sky jumps into the water and desperately looks. I felt pain and sorrow I let this happen I let Amber drown. Sky emerged from the water and gulped another gasp of air and again plunged into the dark water. After 2 hours of me and Sky looking I had to hold Sky back we had to face the fact that Amber was dead and lost in the ocean.

As I put Toothless's tail in lock and let him fly to a floating boat I stayed with Sky and helped her fly since she like toothless had a missing wing.

I flew to the ship and saw that most of the NFF was landed they cheered as I landed but spoke softly of why I was flying Sky.

"Where's Amber,"asked Toni who had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

I looked down at the ground," she's...gone."

I heard cries of sorrow echo threw the crowd and Sky bowed her head in morning."

"If Bryan is gone and now Amber who will take over as leader of the NFF," I heard Ethan comment.

Toni walked toward me, "Hiccup you are the one with the most experience in leadership."

"Are you asking me to... lead the NFF," I exclaim.

Toni nodded and I looked around to see the faces of lost people most barely younger than 20.

"But Toni I let my village get destroyed.... I let Amber drown... I'm not ready for leadership... I'm not a leader."

Toni nodded, "yes you are, you just have to be given a second chance."

I sighed, "Ok...I'll will become leader of the NFF."

Everyone one around me agreed and looked at me for advice.

""Let's go home", I said, "Amber and Bryan's death will be remembered...they deserve a ceremony."

"I'll fly Sky," Toni said to me. I nodded to her and lead the rest of the NFF back home.

Once we arrived I went directly to my tent and asked Ethan to explain why Bryan, Amber and nearly half the fleet wasn't with us.

I sat down on my bed and the tears I was trying to hide back fell down my face." first my dad, then my entire village, my friends and family, and now the girl I loved." I cried. I was suddenly interrupted my Toothless's purr I look over to see his head poking through the cloth door.

"Hey bud," I say to him.

Toothless walked in he looked sad as well.

Want to go for fight I said patting his head and wiping my eyes.

Toothless spun around in a circle like a dog needing to be let out side.

I took that as a yes and we walked out the back of the tent.

Flew flew until the sun started to rise and I landed on a familiar cliff near Berk, I dismounted Toothless and sat down on the edge the same place me and Amber sat years ago. As I watching the sun rise above the water Toothless laid down beside me and put his head in my lap.

"What is it bud," I asked.

Toothless got up and moved his head in the detection we had came.

"Let me guess you tired and you want to go back home."

Toothless looked at me knowing I knew the answer to my own question.

Ok we can head back just let me do something a couple hours ago I realized I still had Amber's cloak she had left it in Berk. I pulled out a sword and sank it into the soft ground, I then took the cloak and tied the brown fabric to the handle and stepped back.

"Toothless you ready to go bud,"Toothless purred and with that I left that cliff and with Amber's memories stirring in my mind.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerWhere stories live. Discover now