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I emerged from the ship and I was greeted by arrows and harpoons I dodged them and got out of reach and waited for every one and soon they all flew beside me.

"Toothless, Sky stay above the ships and find the Captain we need that staff he uses to turn the dragons into humans."

"You got it," they both said in unison and flew off.

"Hiccup you me and Toni and Ethan will fire at the harpoons and cross bows on deck the less weapons the harder it is to attack."

I looked up to the black mass of flying dragons and dragon riders in the clouds they knew what we were doing and they weren't going to get in our way they would wait till the weapons have been taken out. I then looked back down and the flaming ships being quickly extinguished and pointed my fingers down, signaling to charge. We dove and I took out the harpoon on 4 boats and the others took out the main ship I dodged the arrows, suddenly I saw the Captain in a perfect range of fire. Until I turned my attention toward the Captain I was doing fine then I felt a red hot pain explode in my arm and I screamed in pain I looked down at my shoulder to see a deep gash, I had been grassed by an arrow. I had to ignore it and continue.

Me and the others managed to damage all the harpoons cross bows and catapults.
We flew up into the clouds out of reach and I flew closer to the flock.

Bryan lifted his helmet and smiled, "you don't think you could have all the fun."

"Shut it", I laughed.

"Clear passage to the ships?"

I nodded and looked down at my arm again.

"Are you ok?" Bryan asked.

I nodded, just a scratch...I've had worse.

"Ok well you better get back with your group."

I nodded in understanding and took off.

Bryan looked out upon the ships and looked quite nervous, but he shook it away and with one battle cry they charged. Shots of fire, Molten rock, and green smoke and sparks floated in the air until sudden roars and screeches filled the and the hybrids that were once humans were now dragons. They attacked the riders and one by one rider and dragon started to fall.

Back up in the clouds Amber and her friends watched in fear and there family and friends were being beaten by the enemy.

"We can't sit here and do nothing," Amber growled.

"Your right," Toothless commented.

Everyone else agreed and charged each rider and dragon in perfect agreement with each other.

The battle flared as more and more riders fell. Bryan searched desperately for his bloodthirsty relative and succeeded. Bryan dived and readied the fire blast to kill. Then suddenly a monstrous nightmare rammed the night fury and its rider at full speed causing it to crash into the mast. Bryan fell off and down to the deck while his dragon was injured and unconscious tangled in the ropes and sail.

Amber's POV

As I fought with every thing I had I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. I looked to my right to see Bryan being closed in on. Bryan was like a big bother to me he took me in and taught me how to fit in with the NFF and protected me now I'll return the favor.

I dove onto the boat and picked up an abandoned sword.

What are you doing here this is my death. Bryan exclaimed.

I'm not gunna let you have all the fun I laughed as I defended my "bother's" back.

Suddenly a bone chilling voice echoed though the ship and the enemy stopped fighting." Ah my long lost Nephew seems like we've crossed each other's path."

I turned to see Bryan facing the Captain of this armada he was the size of a grizzly bear on its hind legs he had bones woven into his oily black beard and scars marked every inch of his face and arms.

Oh so you've got your self a little friend as well? He hissed

Bryan didn't answer although you could tell he wanted to scream.

Bryan join your real family we can rule the seas. I noticed in his right had he held a gnarled staff it was painted in dragon and human blood and at the top sat a dragon holding a gem that looked like it had a live fire burning inside.

I will never join you, Bryan shouted, I found my new family after you killed my
my mother and Father.

Fine have it your way, he snapped his fingers and the enemy attacked. I swung my sword and knocked out a few more until I heard the clang of two swords and I looked to see Bryan face to face with his Uncle.

Bryan fought extremely well but he lacked agility but before I could intervene, Bryan, the closest thing I've had to a brother for a while and leader to the NFF was defeated. Struck down by his own blood the sword pierced through his chest he fell to his knees. And in that moment anger, fear, and the love for a brother ignited into a roaring flame for vengeance. I lunged at the man who called him self Bryan's family. Swords met as I fought with everything I had, my arm had gone numb from the pain and blood soaked the cloth I wrapped around it but I kept going stabbing and slicing every chance I had. I managed to cut a gash in his arm and kick the breath out of him until one foolish move cost me. The captain took his staff and hit me square in the face causing me to fall backwards and make me see colors and stars.

I felt a heavy weight on my chest and I realized that it was the bottom of the staff. the Captain kicked my side and laughed as I cringed in pain. Two of his followers grabbed my arms I tried to yank out of there grip, but they had bound my hands.

"See that" the captain spat pointing toward the unmoving body of His nephew," that is what happens when foolish children like you and your flock intervene in my plans, and that is what's going to happen to you." the Captain was handed his sword and he raised it high above his head. I thought to my self this is it I've come this far to die at the hands on f the person I was meant to destroy. I lowered my head in defeat...until suddenly the scraping of medals made me look up. And there stood Hiccup his sword was ablaze and anger and determination was in his green eyes.

Hiccup fought with agility, wrath, strength, and intelligence. The two men who were holding me in one place were suddenly gone I looked behind me and saw Toni and Ethan.

Suddenly a thud and I looked to see hiccup with his sword only inches from The Captain's neck. We bound up the captain and took the staff.

"How do you work this thing,"I said to myself.

Sky ran up to me, I don't care just destroy it, sky then took the staff and smashed it up against the mast and in a fiery explosion every living hybrid was a freed dragon. I looked over at Toothless and he too was a dragon he roared in delight and romped around the ship and Sky too, was a dragon again and she joined him.

I laughed and tried to stand but still favored my arm.

We need to get that looked at. hiccup said.

At that moment I didn't care who saw I threw my arms around Hiccup and kissed him and the best part is... he kissed me back. sky and toothless roared into the sky and I smiled at hiccup.

Suddenly the front end of the boat exploded and the boat tipped forward and apparently no one was watching the captain and in an instant I felt a cold blade against my neck.

Sky growled in rage.

Keep your lizards under control, he mocked.

Hiccup calmed Sky and then raised his arms. We surrender just don't, don't hurt her.

Suddenly a second explosion sounded off.

Now what you don't reali- suddenly the ship next to the ours crashed into us causing the mast to fall and tip the boat up sideways. The Captain grabbed an anvil and tied my foot to it in half a second and let me go. I then hit the water sunk so fast I didn't realize it until I went to breath and also realized I didn't get a good breath. I tried to untie the knot but it was no use. My lungs burned and my vision started to fade and I suddenly hit the sandy bottom. I let go of my last bubble of air and the last thing I remember is darkness taking over and the light above me fading from view.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerWhere stories live. Discover now