Chapter 7

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Sky's POV

I traveled threw the trees and brush till I came to a village it's was quite large it skimmed the edge of the forest looking for any trace of Ember's scent I was just about to head back into the forest till some one shouted a girl about the same age and Ember started shouting and pointing at me I got scared and ran I soon heard people behind me shouting I head into an open field and I see dragons flying over head a nadder and a zipple back were over head while a monstrous nightmare and a groncle were on my tail I tried to fly and take of but I was missing half of my tail and I would just fall back down I wasn't look wear I was going and I headed straight into the side of a mountain I was weak and could not fly since my blasts are too powerful and swore not to use it again I had no defense the monstrous nightmare tackled me to the ground and I struggled to get up but I had no strength to get up but what amazed me was vikings started jumping off the dragons one grabbed a rope and tied my feet together while another tied my wings to my back and another tied my muzzle shut the dragon got off and and I struggled to get free the other vikings started to to talk they all nodded and mounted there dragons the monstrous nightmare nadder and zipple back latched there claws on the ropes and cared me off into the sky

We landed in the village in a stone and chain dome they put me in a cage and cut the ropes and closed the cage door I passed the cage like an angry tiger one boy tried to touch me and I roared in anger and snapped at his hand of course I would never hurt him I decided to at least scare him another girl treys it as well but she opened the cage and I burst out of the cage and into the arena I ran past them trying to find a way to escape a few of the young vikings treys to touch me but I jumped back the young vikings left and I was left there alone in the arena

Embers POV

Me and hiccup had a long conversation till a sky blue yellow and white nadder and her rider flew up from the ground the rider was a girl about my age with blonde hair and blue eyes hiccup we found another dragon she yelled he nodded and started to follow her um who's the girl I ask hiccup oh that's Astrid he says she's another dragon trainer he says so there's more I ask of course we arrive at a dome and me hiccup and the girl named Astrid walk in so who's the new girl asks Astrid oh that's ember I found her in the woods says hiccup so what type of dragon are we dealing with he asks nadder changewing or maybe a thunderdrum how about a night fury she says pulling a lever a cage door opens and two electric aqua colored eyes start to stare at me the body of the dragon came into view and then I realized the electric aqua stripes and markings on the body and the missing hind wing I was starring into the eyes of Sky she looked at me closer and and her eyes got round and happy she jumped toward me and pinned me to the ground and licked the living daylights out of me ok girl calm down I say wow I've never seen a wild dragon act like that before let alone a night fury oh she a not wild I laugh she's as tame as a puppy I say petting her nose is that your dragon ember asks hiccup and Astrid yep hiccup Astrid I'd like you to meet Sky my dragon.

Amber and Sky: Dragon and Dragon trainerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang