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It was the after party of the wedding, everyone was dancing to the music and it was almost time for the two men to cut their cake.
A massive, white, smoothed out cake with some little details of the Avengers. Little figures of Tony and Steve were on the top holding hands. Tony found it corny but cute.
Peter danced with his dads for a while but kept having his Spider-man senses tingling as if someone kept staring at him. He kept turning around, following th direction of the sense.
No one in sight.
MJ danced towards him, her jeans jacket low on her elbows.
Peter kept thinking about Mary again. He couldn't help it. He knew what he had to do. It was going to hurt him. But it would hurt him more if he didn't do what he was about to do.
He took MJ around the waist and linked his and hand with hers so they cant do a slow dance. She smiled. Peter pretended to smile back.
She seemed so happy. But Peter knew, it was the right thing to do.


"Yes?" MJ said, she was lost in Peters eyes, not looking away once. Peter took a deep breathe.

"I can't- I just." Peter hesitated and he broke away from the dance. "I can't be with you anymore. No matter how many times I've said I have moved on, I can't I miss my old MJ. And everything you do reminds me of her." MJs eyes were tearing up and she was furious. "You even wore the same thing she has! Except. . . She wore her little converse"  Peter then smiled to himself as he thought about his love.
MJ shoved him while tears were coming down her face.

"Peter! I loved you so much! You never noticed me! I changed my fucking self to be with you! Why the fuck did you think I always reminded you of her! Fuck you." She spat. She shoved me one more time before leaving the entire ceremony. But she quickly walked back.
"Tell your dad I need a fucking plane ticket" And she left again.
Peter went back to his seat with his head in his hands. Not happy at all.
But he had to break up with her. He loved Mary Jane far too much to move on, he couldn't get his mind off her, he was going to ask Mary to marry him one day, but she's gone now.
He then heard a seat scrape against the floor. Peter turned his head to find the masked man again. He smiled.

"You okay baby buns?" Deadpool said worried. Peter laughed.

"From sweetcheeks to baby buns? What are you trying to gain? But yea, I'm fine" Peter said calmly. Deadpool smiled.

"Why did you break up with that bitch? Just wondering" Deadpool said curiously, he placed his chin in the palm of his hands as his elbows rested on the table. Peter sighed.

"Um. My girlfriend MJ or Mary Jane was my loved one. I loved her since I layed eyes on her, she was precious and I wanted to marry her later on" Deadpool felt bad for Peter, and he felt guilty for asking. But this was getting interesting. "Then one day, she was killed by Doctor Octopus, her skull smashed into the ground and no one saved her. I mourned for her for ages. And when I met MJ, or Michelle Jones, I felt they were so similar, she reminded me exactly of Mary. And I just wanted to know what it felt like to be with Mary again. But she was just a copy cat. I just feel lost now." Peter said. His voice was croaky and sad. Deadpool brought him into a hug. Peter blushed.

"As long as I'm here, no one is going to lay a hand on my baby" Deadpool flirted. "I mean, look how gorgeous you are, who would hurt you?" Deadpool exclaimed. Peter rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.

"Yea. . ." He whispered. Peter then looked at Deadpool and felt a connection. It wasn't like the one with Michelle. But it felt right. Like it was kind of meant to be.
Deadpool said nothing for a while and continued staring at Peter.
"I didn't catch your real name" Peter said lightly. Deadpool giggled and pinched Peters cheeks.

"You really are onto me. Told ya you pesimist" Wade cackled, looking up. Peter gave a confused laugh.

"Who you talking too?" Deadpool stopped laughing.

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