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Peter walked to school the next day, his dad couldn't take him to school because he has a 'buisness trip' when Peter knew it was probably another make out session.
He lifted his head up this time and had his hands by his side. He still had air pods in his ears, listening to the radio.
He smiled at the people nearby weakly, waving slightly to the girls who would check him out, but everything would seem completely normal.
Except that MJ wasn't there anymore.
Although, there is another girl, Michelle Jones. MJ. It hurts to kind of think of her, because Peter instantly thinks of Mary Jane.
As he made his way to class, the bell rung, and Peter bumped into someone in the hall way. Michelle Jones. MJ. Peter stared at her for a while, she smiled a bit. Peter quickly turned away.

"Sorry" He mumbled, she placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. Giving a reassuring smile.

"It's fine, is everything alright?"

"Yea, sure" Peter looked up at her and gave a horribly fake smile. She frowned.

"I didn't catch your name"

"Peter" He said loudly. He rubbed the back of his head embarresed.

"Well Peter, good seeing you" And she walked off as she talked to her other friends. Peter watched her go by and blushed. Peter stop. Stop. Peter slapped himself on his head and shuffled his way to class.

As he sat in class, calculus. He leaned back in his chair and bit his pencil. Red hair. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Hazel eyes. Pale skin. Olive skin. Straight hair. Curly hair.
Peter was naming all the the differences between Mary Jane and Michelle Jones. He cannot stop thinking about it. He looked over to his left and found MJ. Mary Jane. Her brown hair, her hazel eyes.
Peter stood up quickly and squinted his eyes. MJ smiled at him.
No. It wasn't Mary Jane. It was Michelle Jones. Not his love.
Peters eyes went watery and he left the classroom. Without saying a word. He heard talking in the classroom and a chair scraping the floor.
Peter ran to the bathroom, tears streaming down his face. He bit his lip to shut himself up. He slammed open the bathroom door, went into an empty cubicle, locked it, and stayed there for the rest of the time.

"Oh MJ, MJ MJ" He mumbled over and over again. He rocked back and forth and wiped his eyes again.
He heard the bathroom door open, a soft voice spoke.

"Peter?" Michelle Jones.

"What?!" Peter yelled. He cried a bit more when he thought of Mary. Michelle knocked on the door and Peter slowly got up and opened it.
"What MJ? Can't you leave me alone?" He spat.
MJ looked hurt. She swallowed and looked down, before quickly looking back up.

"Peter. Can you talk to me? Please?" She said softly, her hand touched Peters arm. Peter flinched and shrugged her off.
"Please" She whispered.

"My girlfriend died! Ha! I said it! Her name was MJ too, you remind me of her! You guys have the same personality, but you look the exact opposite! Everytime I hear your name. . . I-" Peter stuttured and let some tears fall again. "I remember her with me." He whispered. MJ sighed and brought Peter into a hug.

"It's okay" She said quietly in his ear. She rubbed his back and pulled away.
"Call me if you wanna talk, okay?" Peter nodded, his eyes locked with Michelles. She got a sheet of paper from her bag and scribbled her number on.
"Please call" And she left.
She left again.
Peter looked as she went. His mouth open. He looked at the note:
297383007 (btw this is a made up number, tell me if you call it lmao) Call me ;)
Peter flushed and left school. He rushed to the doors and called happy to come get him.
A couple of minutes later, happy was already there.

"Hey Peter" He grunted "Why did I have to pick you up so early?" Peter didn't answer. Happy looked in the top mirror and saw some tears falling off Peters face. Happy decided not to question anymore and he went home.

"Jesus Steve. You get better everytime" Tony giggled as they walked out of the room. Steve grinned and held his partners hand.

"How do you think Peters holding up?" Steve questioned. Tony shrugged. He really hasn't talked to Peter in a while ever since him and Steve got together.

"I don't know." Tony said bluntly. Steve let out a deep huff.

"Tony, talk to him. He's your son, he deserves to get some love too" Steve suggested. Tony nodded and kissed Steves lips, a quick yet soft kiss.

"You're right" He whispered.

"I'm always right" Tony turned away and started to call Peter through his phone.

"Sir, Peter is on his way up here" Jarvis called. Tony had a quizzical look on his face and waited at the elevator as he hung up the phone.
The elevator opened and Peter walked out with a paper scrunched up in his hand.

"Hey Peter, what's up?" Peter grumbled. "What?"

"Nothing" He said again. Tony looked surprised.

"What's up kiddo?" Tony tried to say as reassuringly as possible. Peter looked around to find all the Avengers looking at him.

"Can we talk privately?" Peter whispered. Tony nodded and led him into a room. Bruce looked at Nat and she rolled her eyes.
Tony closed the door behind him and sat on the bed beside Peter. Tony patted Peters back and saw water droplets leaking out of Peters eyes.

"Dad. . . There's this girl-"

"Ah this is easy Peter" He interuppted "So first-"

"No! Listen!" Peter yelled. Tony looked in shock. "Sorry"

"Damn right" Tony mumbled to himself.

"There's a girl, her names Michelle Jones or also as known as MJ." Peter stopped and looked up at his dad. Tony knew what was about to happen but let Tony continue. "She's exactly like MJ, nerdy, loves books, not very good a sports" Peter smiled to himself "She is not selfless nor is she judgemental. But they look completely different. I just cannot not think about Mary Jane everytime Michelle Jones is mentioned and I-I don't understand w-what to do" Peter was starting to cry again.
Tony felt extremely bad for Peter and brought him into a tight up.

"Shhh" Tony calmed. He felt his shirt soak up with salty tears. But. Who gives a fuck. "Listen" He pulled Peter away to look into his eyes. "Let us go out today. We can go through everything, we can have father-son time, we can have hella fun too" Tony grinned. Peter gave a weak smile and said quietly:


Yay. Anyways, i know u guys may be confused between Mary Jane and Michelle Jones. In Spiderman Homecoming, Michelle Jones in basically zendaya, but in my story, her name is Mary Jane. Same for the other character lmao.
I feel so bad for ruining Peters life.

Closer TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora