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6 months later

Everything has been running smoothly the past months, everyone was in a good relationship, Peter has finally 3/4 moved one, Bruce and Natasha adopted a kid whilst Steve and Tony have been in love forever.
It was great.
Today the Avengers were going to have a huge picnic, celebrating their successes and relationships. But it was a private park Tony hired so things could be more peaceful and less paparazzi.
I know, it's weird Tony doesn't like paparazzi, but today, he wanted to spend it with his family.
It was 12:30 pm, everyone was getting ready to leave and go to the park. All in  casual clothing, except Tony and Thor. Tony in his 'casual' suit and Thor still in his armor, he just found it comfortable.
Peter was dressed in his 'find x' shirt, blue jeans and his red converse. MJ was coming with him and couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach everytime he saw her.
Tony drove in his new Audi, everyone else in different cars. Steve and Peter drove with Tony, blasting out Panic! At the disco, and a little 6ix9ine from Tony. Steve thought was telling Peter to cover his ears the whole time.
Peter was already having great time.

As they arrived at the Park, everyone brought out different foods. Natasha and Bruce brought some healthy, fresh fruits and a baked apple, cinammon pie. Wanda and Vision got pizza and pasta after trying to cook them for the past 2 hours. Clint and Thor brought PopTarts and cake. Whilst Tony, Steve and Peter brought some cheese, bread and some grapes. Classic.
Wanda brought a huge plaid blanket and placed it down, everyone was already exchanging food and laughs, sitting down and enjoying their conversation.
A couple of minutes later, MJ walks in with a cheescake, her smile wide. She was wearing jeans with an oversized hoodie Peter had given her.
Peter smiled as he watched her walk down towards them. He stood up and pecked a kiss on her lips.
She then greeted everyone and sat down next to Peter, their hands ontop of each other.
Soon, everyone was enjoying the food they got, laughing and joking, having small talk and listening to everyones stories.
Everything was perfect.
5 hours later, most of the food was finished and Steve really needed to use the bathroom, Bruce went with him since he needed to go too.
The sun was setting and the sky was a light purple, ombre with pink then orange. Peter took out his camera and took a picture of the sky, then taking a picture of MJ posing.

"Gorgeous" He laughed.
Tony was panicking, he had Natasha and Wanda help him remove everything, and replacing it with something else.
Peter and MJ went to walk somewhere else. Clint, Thor and Vision were just watching Nat, Wanda and Tony working.

"Guys we need to makd this perfect! Move that there!" He ordered, his voice was not angry, but nervous.

"This guy. . ." Clint whispered.

Back with Steve and Bruce, they finally finished doing. . . Whatever they were doing.
Bruce was stalling Steve by asking bloody stupid questions. Even Bruce wanted to punch himself.

"Sooo, how was your shit?" Bruce said awkwardly, Steve held in a laugh. They were walking back to the picnic site, and there was something huge going on. Bruce didn't know, neither did Clint, Thor or Vision. They were all stupid.
Bruce then stepped in front of Steve and had a mad face on.
"Lets fight" He said, his voice tense, when really he was just a softie inside.

"No" And Steve shoved past him.

"Touche" Bruce whispered to himself. God Tony, please be finished for whatever your doing.
Then Peter and MJ walked into their path.

"Hey Steve, hey Bruce" Said Peter energetically. His hand still cluched with MJ.
Steve stopped and greeted him back. Then there was small talk. Some gossip to add, Bruce was standing there clueless, listening to all the gossip and trying to link it to what the other is saying.

"We better head back now" Bruce blurted. They stopped talking and agreed before walking back to the site.
At first, the site to Steve was just a blur, a few lights and a couple of people standing.
But as he got closer, he saw Tony standing there, the biggest smile on his face. Natasha and Wanda with a bigger one. Candles were placed on the floor with a shape of a heart.
Steve had a confused smile. Then he heard a big bang, he looked up to see fire works spelling out
Will you marry me Steve Rogers?
Tears were brought to his eyes, as he looked back down, he found Tony on his knee, a black velvet box in his hand. He opened it to find a black ring with engraved stars on it.

"Will you marry me Steve?" Steve was shocked, he was wiping tears and stood closer to Tony. He smiled, he held out his hand and Tony took it, they were inches apart.

"Of course" And there lips attracted. It was so soft and simple. But it delightful. Everyone around them cheered and admired the fireworks that appeared in the sky, colours of blue, white and red. 
And another firework saying
He said yes
Everyone celebrated the moment. Tony passed around Champagne, even to Peter and MJ. Peter this time actually accepted it whilst MJ went for water. Sonething the other MJ wouldn't do.

"TO STEVE AND TONY!" Bruce shouted excitedly. Everyonr raised there glasses and repeated.

Now they had a small family celebration. But now you should see the actual wedding.

"NOW I HAVE 2 DADS!" Peter cheered. Tony chuckled and brought Peter and Steve into a hug. He kissed both on the head and they laughed.
"This is awesome" Both brunettes whispered.

Holy shit, Tony in the next chapter is going to be fucking amazing.

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