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"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Peter was pacing up and down his room, his foot stance was loud, pounding above the kitchen. "Tony Starks coming tommorow, I need to make a good impression today" Peter murmured to himself continously.
Then, a knock at the door.

"Peter?" A light voice at the door. May. She sounded a bit worried, but she knew what was going on.

"Hey May" Peters voice cracked, you could tell how anxious he was. His hands were shaking and his lips quivered. He seemed cold, but ya know, it's Tony freaking Stark he's dealing with.

"Don't worry Petey, you will get that internship! I believe in you." Aunt May said faithfully, it actually made Peters heart melt and give a large smile on his face. He gave Aunt May a long and warming hug. May felt as if Peter was a 7 again, his small emotional tantrums, his beautiful smile, his puppy eyes. It almost made May tear up. Now Peters 16, all grown up, she wished she could turn back time and re-live all the moments she had with Peter. She then pulled away but kept her arms on Peters shoulders, squeezing them tight.

"Plus, I've heard Stark Tower has pretty good food." Aunt May announced with a little jazz hands.

"Now I really wanna go" Peter grinned, May scoffed and slapped Peters arm.

"Go get em tiger" He grinned and rushed towards the door, grabbing his bag on the way out. May laughed to herself. "such a good kid"


Today at school, all students had to work at their best so they can be chosen as one of the few finalists for Tony Starks Internship.
Files would be given to him and they would go on for several tests with Tony Stark before choosing his lucky student. Peter was sweating bullets, he was so nervous.
The several numerous topics they had to go through were:
Computer science, all 3 sciences, PE, math and actual common sense questions.
Thankfully, Peter was good at all these things, but he felt like it wasn't enough. Peter was basically exceeding past his limits, working harder than anyone else, he was probably even smarter than the teachers.
It was PE, coach watched people do continous laps around the gym, if you were faster and had longer stamina, that was good enough. Finally, the bell rang. Peter grabs the bottom of his shirt and wipes it on his face, it was high enough to show his stomach. He looks infront of him and finds girls giggling and pointing. They waved at him, Peter sheepishly waved back.
He looked over and found MJ walking towards him be cool, be cool, be cool those words continously rushed through Peters head. He really liked MJ and if he messed up, THAT would keep him up at night.

"saw you in PE, you are pretty impressive" She said confidently, in fact, too confident for MJ. Peter blushed.

"Th-Thanks MJ" He blurts out too loud. He quickly covers his mouth and MJ smiles.

"Hope you get that Stark Internship." She turns and leaves, she waves behind but then stops and turns again "In fact, you will get it" they both smile and she leaves again.
This just made Peters day. Again, Peter was having a stressful day and MJ just came along and brightened it up.
He smiled at himself for a long time, he looked stupid. He should probably stop.


Peter swung across the city as Spider-man looking for crime. There was a soft breeze as he swung by. The people below him would take photos and post them on youtube. He enjoyed being spotted.
As he continued swining across the city, he heard a big BANG.
He made his way quickly towards the area he heard the bang and got on took of the nearest building towards the attack.
"A bank robbery? Again? These guys never know when to quit" He grumbled in dissapointment. But this wasn't just any bank robbery, they were literally taking people hostage, blowing up safes, using huge guns to frighten the police and the people inside.
"never mind, this is huge!" Peter exclaimed, "wait. . .that's not good Peter, stupid!"
A huge engine reared up behind him. Almost like flying. Peter was too scared to turn around, but be realized, he probably should. His eyes widened.

"IRONMAN!" he squealed in excitement but he realized he's such an idiot for even doing that. He covered it up by coughing and paying attention to the bank robbery.

"Hey spider-man, don't worry I got this" Tony stark showed off, Peter was not happy.

"No." Peter said firmly "I'm helping. I'm their friendly neighbourhood spider-man!" Iron man didn't even seem to take consideration for anything.

"yea sure" And off Iron Man went, his blasters shooting off and he was away into the distance. Peter must've drolled over him because his mouth was watery man I wish that guy can be a dad
He shot a web onto the banks side walls and crept ontop of the roof. There was a glass ceiling Peter stood upon. He examined the inside and found Iron Man no where in sight. He found shooters at all the doors and all the hostages in the middle, supposedly if someone tried to save them, they'd all turn around and shoot wild fire.

"hey kid!" Iron Man whispered. Peter felt slightly queasy. "What are you thinking?" Peter took in a deep breathe and was already super excited.

"I think we should quietly open this glass rooftop and save civilians by slowly and quietly going down and coming back up. But, you can't use your thrusters, it'll make a lot of noise" Tony stark raised an eyebrow and stroked his goatee.

"Jarvis" His whole suit closes in on him and his suit was lit up. "Activate stealth mode" He said flatly.

"Stealth mode activated"

"Awesome" jittered Peter. He couldn't seriously believe what he was seeing or doing! Tony stark talking to him? Doing a mission with him?! Peter goes to the middle glass top and places his finger tips on it. They were stuck on to his fingers. He succesfully removed the glass top.
He looked over to Tony who nodded in agreement.
'You take out the guards quietly' Peter mouthed. Again, Tony nodded and went into the bank, attacking the shooters one by one except for the ones by the door incase they immediatly start shooting.
Peter jumped down and quickly shot a web at the ceiling. All the hostages looked up, he placed his finger on his lip and they all slowly nodded.
He went down and grabbed the kids first, Peter went back up and brought them to the police

"We have it under control" The police nodded in agreement. Tony was back on the roof, finished taking out all the guards.
'you now need to help me with the hostages' Peter mouthed again. (basically he slightly took off hos mask, only showing the mouth) Tony nodded again, he went down and was taking hostages two at a time. Peter eith only taking one.
They finally took up the last bunch and stayed in the center.
They attacked the guards at the doors. Peters spider sense was all over the place. Not one bullet was shot. That's strange
Peter was dodging most moves and was hit a lot too. Several punches to the face but he obviously punched back.
Finally, all guards were down and they were taken to the police. As soon as Tony was about to thank and congratulate spider-man, spider-man was already leaving. Peter must of worried Aunt May to death. His curfew
10 and its bloody 10.30.
Oh Aunt May please forgive me
He quickly changed in the alley and ran up the stairs into the aparment. He opened the front door and found May standing there with her arms crossed and her face not impressed.

"heeeyyy Aunt May" Peter said guiltily.


Back at the Avengers Tower

Everyone was gathered in the living room, sitting on the couches. Vision and Wanda were together with Visions arm around her. Bruce and Natasha were snuggling together (mostly because Bruce was cold) Clint was snuggling with her too but Natasha shoved him off. Then there was Tony and Steve, their shoulders just barely touching. Tony slightly blushed. Thor was just back at Asgard fighting his brother again.
They were discussing about the bank robbery that happened but they were also talking about Spider-man.

"That kid has amazing strategies, I'll give you that." Tony stated. His elbows were on his knees and his head restingnon his hands.

"But, he's lucky the guards didn't turn around and start shooting" Steve debated. Tony shrugged. He really liked Spider-man, mainly because he felt like he met him before. Like a connection.
Everyone nodded in agreement.

"His fighting skills were really cool though" Clint added. He was already starting to like Spider-man, he was a bit of a bad ass and Clint liked that.
They all then talked about his statistics, his help on the city and finally, the debate on wether or not they should recruit him as an Avenger.

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