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Peter was walking from school, learnt more about phythagores, nutrition, law and robotics. Such a boring day.
It was his birthday. Yay he was 17. Boring.
His dad wasn't even available to go celebrate his birthday. Bruce told him he had to work with Tony. Steve, Clint and Natasha had to go on a under cover mission while Vision and Wanda went out for groceries for the Tower. Thor was the only person available, but it was nice being with him.
Peter sighed as he walked through the Avengers Tower. He looked at the receptionst and gave weak smile before going into the elevator.

"Welcome Peter" Jarvis said.

"Hey Jarvis" Peter mumbled.

"Something wrong Peter? Would you like me to inform Mr Stark?"

"No, it's nothing. Living room please" Peter said, his voice still low. Jarvis obeyed and the elevator shot up.
Peter arrived at the living room with his hands in his pockets and his head still low.
The room was silent, no one didn't seem to be there. Peter looked up and his eyes widened.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone exclaimed. Tony, Steve, Bruce Natasha, Clint, Vision, Thor, Wanda and two other guys named Scott and Sam. Even Ned was there!
Peters smile went from ear to ear. He was so happy, Tony walked up to him, his arms held up. He took him into a hug and kissed his forehead.

"Happy birthday kiddo" Tony said as they pulled apart. "MY SONS 17 BITCHEESSS" Tony said excitedly.

"Oh my god" Steve groaned. Then there was a party filled with love and laughter. Peter smiled the entire day and enjoyed the small party. There was massive amounts of Pop Tarts which Thor kept for himself, a massive nacho dip area with different types of chips and pretzels and a lolly are with lollies starting from sour patch kids to MnMs.
It was fantastic.
There was booming music in the background and there was disco lights that came out of the ceiling. There was a pile of presents in the corner, big and small, wide and thin. It was a huge varity, but Tony said he had the best, and most special gift of all that made Peter wonder what it was going to be. Tony said at the end of the party he would show him.
Later on, Peter got a humongeous cake that was simple, a black frosted cake with a little logo of Stark Industries. Inside. . . Oooooh it was good. A lotus styled cake with actual strawberry filling and whipped cream. The frosting made from rasberry and blueberry juice, mixed with actual vanilla frosting. Just the way Peter like it.
Peter blew out his 17 candles as they finished singing happy birthday. Everyone had their phones out recording excpet for Thor. He said he will 'remember by memory' when really he just didn't know how to use the phone.
After everyone took slices of cake, a slow song came on, recommended by Tony.
People matched up in pairs, Vision and Wanda, both grinning happily. It was great to see these two together.
Natasha and Bruce, who were both dancing awkwardly but laughed at each others mistakes, kissing each others lips and noses.
Clint and Thor because both of them were alone and everyone had to dance because that was the golden rule. Clint could feel is bloody hands breaking.
And finally, Steve and Tony. They smiled at each other and kissed as they went onto the dance floor, looking deeply into each others eyes as they took each step.
Peter and Ned laughed as they knew what they had to do.
Peter poshly sat upright and held his head high whilst Ned was limping his way towards Peter while bowing his head.

"May I have this dance your majesty?" Ned said dramtically. Peter really tried his best not to laugh.

"Uh no" Peter declined, both of them quickly laughing afterwards. "Just kiddiinnngg" They both got up and places one hand on the waist and one hand on the shoulder, both were u comfy, but they were just best friends joking around.
The whole night was great fun, everyone enjoyed the food, the dancing, the jokes. It was fantastic.
But, it was finally time for Tony to show Peter his present.

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