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Hey guys, I feel like this story is soon going to end because it's going no where lmao but I really enjoyed writing it.
If you have any ideas for it, feel free to et me know :)
Thank youuuuu
Kay bye.

They all yelled out a battle cry, striking towards the tentacled freak. The winged guy (also known as falcon) flew into the air, shooting guns at the Doctor.
The Doctor yellped as a bullet sunk through his shoulder then yelled a bit as one sliced through his hip.
Great, he was weakned.
Doctor Octopus threw a tentacle at Falcon, but he quickly dodged it, still getting hit on the leg but not the wing.

"Scott, try and shrink and let Sam get closer to Doc, then try and get into one of his tentacles and rip his wires inside. Clint, try and shoot an explosive arrow towards the tentacle that he's holding MJ with." Steve demanded, they all nodded and started to follow the direct orders. "Tony" He faced him and smiled. "You go kill that bastard" Tony grinned underneath the mask and flew into the sky, over looking the entire battle.
So far, things were going swimmingly.
Sam swooped past the Doctor and dropped Scott onto him without the Doctor noticing. Tony now just hoped things would work out.
As Clint threw continous explosive arrows towards the tentacle, a finger of it fell off, while the tentacle was dangling.
The maniac grinned devilishly.

"Oh, you guys are doing it good" Then his grin grew wider. "But I'm doing it better" He dropped MJ.
He dropped her.
And she falling, and this time, no one, not even Captain America could save them. Tony watched in shock as she fell.

"No, no, no ,no. Peter. . . MJ. Oh no" He mumbled under the mask. It was over for Tony. He couldn't let Doctor Octopus get away. But Peter would be so dissapointed and angry and sad that he let MJ died. And he wasn't there to save her.
Tony yelled and shot continous power beams towards Doctor Octopus, Scott managed to get 2 tentacles off whilst Tony was shooting in the middle.

Then something webbed MJ. It was Peter. He swooped in and landed on a building, trying to pull MJ up. She looked up at him and smiled weakly.
It was too late.
Her skull smashed into the ground. And she died. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, a pool of blood was forming underneath her, and her body was still. Her breathing stopped.
She died because Peter was too late.
Tony shot the thrusters through the Doctors chest, killing him.
The Doctor gasped for air, holding his chest, squeezing it tight.
Doctor Octopus died. He collapsed and rolled off the building.
Peter swung his way towards MJ. His mouth opened, his eyes in shock and tears.
First May, now MJ.
Peter fell on the floor next to her. Mumbling 'no'. He then screamed in agony and guily. Tears were streaming down his face like a water fall, yells and cries he had coming out of his mouth.
Yet nothing will become better.

"It's not fair. . . It's not fair" He groaned. He layed on top of her, kissing her lips one more time. There was no warmth or excitement to it.
She was truely gone forever, just like Aunt May.
Tony walked towards Peter and placed a hand on his shoulder. Peter swatted his hand off, a growl coming out of his mouth. He looked Tony dead in the eye and  had more tears drowning his eyes.
"THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed, he tried standing up but failed to succed. He turned back to MJ and placed his forehead on his, letting the tears fall onto her face.
"This would've never happened if you let me fight" Peter said angrily through his gritted teeth.
"I'm so sorry MJ" he mumbled again. Tony tried to blink away the tears, it is my fault. I'm so stupid. I killed MJ
Tony thought over and over again. He shook his head, trying to remove the shock.

"Tony, it's going to be okay" He heard Steve whisper.

"No. . . Nothing is going to be okay" Tony whispered back, bile rising in his throat. Tony watched as Peter screamed one more time and walked away, letting his son sorting his own matters.
Peter placed two hands underneath MJ as her head lolled back, her mouth open and her skin pale. Peters legs wobbled as he tried to get up, holding MJ as tight as he can, but with blood dripping onto the ground.
Peter stood up, not falling down, still holding MJ.
Steve quickly grabbed Tony and turned him around, allowing Tony to see his son taking his first steps. His eyes widened as he saw Peter carrying MJ while standing up, Tony smiled a bit but knew it was at a wrong time.
Peter wobbled at first as he moved his first leg, not taking his eyes off MJ. He took his second step. He did it. He was walking.
Peter cried slight tears of joy and said to MJ:
"You would be so proud" more tear drops fell onto her, but Peter let it happen. He walked his way towards a garden near the White House and placed MJ down.
"I wish I could just kiss you, hug you. . . Feel you, one last time. But there will never be a next time." Peter said as his voice croaked, the amount of screaming made him lose his voice. "I will cherish the moments we had together and remember all those things you have given me. . . Even your love
"I love you so much MJ" Peter said one last time. He then turned away looking at Tony. Tony got out of his suit and stood there, facing Peter, a slight tear dripping down his face.
He had his arms opened, waiting for Peter to run into them and forgive him. Peter did do that.
He teared up again and ran into Tonys arms placing his head on Tonys chest, taking out every ragged breath and tears. Letting his emotions spill. He just needed his father.
"I'm so sorry dad" Peter cried. Tony looked shocked. Dad. He called me Dad
Tony let himself cry too, wrapping his arms around Peter. Steve smiled, Scott was literally tearing up.

"This is so beautiful" He whispered to Sam. Sam was enjoying the moment, until Scott came around and ruined it.

"Shut up man" Scott scoffed and turned back to the scene.

"I love you Peter" Tony said wearily. Peter smiled as he cried.

"I love you too dad"

Omfg, I am so horrible. I'm so sorry for killing off MJ, but I really didn't see the story going on WITH MJ in it.
It was so fucking hard for me to write this I was literally crying. BUUTTT we did get to see some father-son moments soooo yippeeee.
Ooooooh the next chapter :(((
Dont worry, it wont be as bad, just sad.
Lmao dont hate me.
Kay byyyeeee.

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