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Peter was miserable. It had almost been a day where he sat there where Aunt May has died. But he had to be escorted away (he had his mask on). But don't worry, they will call on details of the burial. But that doesn't make this better.
Peter was moved into a new apartment until the end of the month where he would be put in an orphanage. It seemed like Peters world was crumbling around him, all bits and pieces of his life were being taken away from him
He had to go back to school, he had to continue with the Stark Internship, he had to go to the orphange. It just didn't seem fair.
Aunt May was young and didn't need to be severly shot. But Peter couldn't do anything to save her.

Peter woke up later than he used to, got changed slower, didn't eat breakfast and glumly walked on the streets without smiling to anyone, without petting his next door neighbours dog, or his favorite sandwich shops cat.
He just made his way to school.
Nobody knew the death of his Aunt except Ned and MJ. As soon as he walked in, MJ rushed up to him and squeezed him tight.

"I'm so sorry" She whispered in his ear, Peter didn't even blush, or get the flustering feeling inside when your crush talks to you. He just hugged back, he squeezed tighter but couldn't help the tear fall down his cheek.
Ned came in and joined the hug.

"It's okay bud, things will get better" Ned mumbled. The whole corridor laughed.

"Look at this threesome" Flashed teased, everyone else was pointing and laughing. "What you miss your mommy?" They laughed louder. Peter couldn't handle this, he couldn't take it in. His Aunt just died and Flash has come here to insult him. He was fuming inside like a volcano. He raised an arm and punched Flash in the face.
Flash staggered back not even expecting that. He shoved Peter to the floor and started kicking his ribs. Peter groaned in pain. Flash stopped. Thank god. But Flash just gave Peter one big kick to the stomach. Peter continously coughed and couldn't breathe.
He didn't feel anything was broken, but he knew there would be a huge bruise growing onto him like Mount Everest. He heard someone yell but his vision was blurry.
Tony Stark.

"What the hell? You don't do that you bloody dip shit! Why? Get outta here" He heard Tony Stark yell at Flash, thankfully Flash obeyed and left.
Tony walked towards Peter who was still on the floor, trying to suck in some air. MJ left because she couldn't look and Ned went to comfort her.
"You okay kid?" Tony said cautiously. Peter nodded and tried to left a 'yes' out but he couldn't manage. The school bell ran. Everyone went to class. Except Peter, he was here with Tony Stark. But he didn't have that feeling of excitement that he was here. It all seemed to burn away when Aunt May died.
"You're not okay. Get up" He fussed. He did not seem happy. Peter made a muffled groan as he got up, trying to contain the pain inside him.
"We didn't get to finish that interview, that's why I'm here" Peter raised an eyebrow, but he didn't do it sarcasticly, he did it surprisingly.

"why would you come here to finish an interview with me? There's other people too ya know?" It hurt that Peter spoke, he let out a huge cough, placing a hand on his rib where it ached the most.

"I like you kid, you have potential. But, I wanna see more of you so, I talked to your teachers and they said it was fine." Tony bargained. He really seemed to want this interview.

"Okay" Peter said with a fake smile, he couldn't really put a smile on his face after everything that has happened. Tony didn't feel something was right from that smile, but he shrugged it off.

"Let's get started" Tony said.
From that, Tony would ask about what he wanted to be, who was his idol, what his favorite subject was etc.
Tony was really suprised with the responses. He raised both eyebrows in shock.
"wait." He cut off Peter. "Are you sure you are not making this all up so you have a good impression?" Tony said with a little smirk. Peter shook his head.

"Nope, you can put a lie detector on me and every answer would be true" Peter said slyly. Tony just nodded. Then continued again. He asked what he would build if he were an enginner and what type of doctor would he be. What was his favorite superhero etc.

"That was great Peter, thanks" He stood up and shook Peters hand with a firm grip. He smiled, Peter smiled wearily and walked away to his class.
"I swear I know that kid." He shook his head and walked away, preparing a test for the next round of kids he has chosen. But his most likable one was Peter.
Happy was in the car and as soon as Tony got in a car he let out a deep sigh.

"Hey, what's wrong Tony?" Happy said curiously. Tony massaged his temples and began to speak.

"You know that feeling, when you feel like you are connected to someone, you feel like you know someone, but there is no string to pull on." Tony said dramatically. Happy waited a while.

"Nope" And off they went, back to Stark Tower.

As Tony arrived back at his tower, all the Avengers were gathered around the TV in their PJs and watching a movie. Tomb Raider to be precise.

"Oh she sucks at archery" Clint ranted. Everyone laughed. "I'm serious!"
Steve turned back to find Tony staring at the TV too.

"Tones" Steve said. He gave a smile and Tony couldn't help but smile back. "Hey c'mon, I saved a seat for you" Steve patted right next to him and Tony felt his heart race.
Tony shuffled his way towards the couch and sat inbetween Bruce and Steve.
They all watched the movie but couldn't keep their mouths shut, always ranting about how people cant do things right or how poorly the movie was made. But they all loved it at the end.
As they all sat in silence as the movie ended, Wanda broke it.

"So Tony, how was the internship at the school?" She said cheerily. Tony always wondered why she was so happy, must be Vision or something. But he's a robot, but you cant deny feelings.

"It was good, I met this really great kid and he's super smart. But I cant help but feel we are connected" He said softly. Bruce elbowed him.

"Wow, Tony liking a kid? That's a side I've never seen" Bruce giggled.

"No, I'm serious, the kids a genius, he wanted to create an advanced suit for superheros that activated different modes like mine, but he wanted to do it for spiderman. And we know how bad spidermans suit is" They all nodded in agreement. "Plus, he told me I was his idol. He was the kid that was in those Stark Boxers, the picture I sent you guys"
They all laughed "Oh that kid" "he seems nice" They all said.

"Well take him to the test Tony" Vision added. They all stared, he shrugged and continued. "If you think he's so smart, put him into a private test and if you think he's good enough, just select him for the internship"
Tony smiled. That was a great idea. He got up and left to his lab. Steves eyes trailed along with him then it went down to his ass. Damn he thought.

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