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It has been a week since MJ has died, and Peter hasn't been the same.
He hasn't been going to school which is making him fail.
He hasn't been eating and now hes been super skinny.
He hasn't been really doing anything. His face was pale, his eye bags were purple, his lips were a pale pink and his bones were showing on his skin. This was nothing like Peter.
Tony has been so worried about Peter, he couldn't handle the fact of leaving him alone. Steve has been worried for Tony and Peter, seeing two people he loved being emotionally hurt, hurt Steve too.
Tony knocked on Peters door.

"Peter?" No answer, he opened the door slightly and said again : "Peter?" His voice louder. He opens the door fully and finds Peter there, fast asleep, curled in a ball. 7 days in a row he has seen Peter like this. Peter was shirtless so you could see his buldging muscles from his arms, to his stomach. But you could see how thin he looked, his muscles could sag any day now.
Tony was sick of this. He stomped over to Peter and shook him slightly.
"Peter, Peter wake up!" Tony said softly, but his voice kind of loud. Peter groaned and sat up, his face was sad and depressed, he sent out vibes of stress and his smile that Tony loved seemed non-existent.

"What?" Peter said grumpily, his eyes half shut and his hair ruffled.
Tony ignored the harsh tone and started off.

"Peter, you need to stop this. All of this. Yes. MJs death is very hard for you, the live of your life gone" Tony tried to say this in the nicest way possible, but tears were still brought to Peters eyes. Tony sighed slightly and continued "But you need to move on, you cant spend your entire life grieving over something that wasn't your fault. I'm sorry Peter, but you need to understand that this is for your own good and that I'm doing this because I love you" Tony said softly, before Tony could continue with the second part, he was stopped with a bear hug by Peter. The tears of Peter startes soaking into his shirt, making it cling to his chest. Tony rubbed Peters back and let a single tear drop on his son.

"I miss her so much dad" Dad. A word Tony could not get over, no matter how many times Peter has said it. Tony felt for Peter, he understood what Peter was going through.

"It's okay Peter, it's okay" He whispered in his ear. Peter smiled slightly. They stayed like this for a while until both of them fell asleep on each other.
Steve walked in into the room, smiling as he saw how Peter has progressed, and how much softer Tony has become. He walked over and kisses both boys on the head before leaving the room, he turned back one more time and closed the door behind him.

The next day, Tony woke up to Peter still laying on his chest. He smiled and tried to peel Peter off him, slowly and softly as possible, but still woke him up.

"Morning Peter" Steve said quietly

"Morning dad" Peter mumbled. There was a silence between them for a while until Peter broke it. "Dad, I was thinking if I could go to school again, to get my grades back up. So if you could let me?" Tony didn't even think twice, he felt it was good for Peter to move on and actually allow him to feel better.

"Sure" Tony bubbled. Peter quiclly hugged Tony and went into his closet to pick out his outfit while Tony left the room.
He went into the living room and found everyone there talking to each other about who knows what. They all turned to him.

"How's it going with Peter?" Bruce said anxiously, all the Avengers were worried about Peter ever since MJs death and wished he'd feel better.

"Better actually, he wanted to go to school and I think that's an improvement"

"Thank god" Wanda and Natasha said together, they both let out a large breathe and asked multiple questions about their nephew.

"guys, I want to talk to Tony for a bit" Steve interrupted. Wanda and Natasha quickly turned to each other, Bruce looked over and wiggled his eyebrows, Clint scoffed a bit and Vision grinned.

"Ha gaayyy" Clint yelled.

"Shut the fuck up bird" Tony called out. Clint tried to hold in laugh whilst Natasha was punching his shoulder.
Steve dragged Tony into a bedroom and closed the door.
Steve pressed Tony against the wall and quickly smashed his lips against Tonys, a hot, sexy kiss with tongues taking dominance. Steves tongue was surprisingly winning, Tony quickly broke away to breathe and panted

"For a person frozen in ice for 60 years, your a good kisser" And they kissed again. Tony was nibbling the bottom of Steves lip as he moaned in satisfaction. Steve pushed him harder against the wall, making a banging sound.
Clint heard and jokingly made sex sounds whilst Bruce was laughing his head off.
Tony finally was strong enought to break free from the super solider and push him onto the bed. He quickly removed his shirt before pushing himself closer to Steve. Omfg I'm so sorry for this, but this just makes things more interesting lmao
Steve groaned as he held onto Tonys ass. Kill me
This went on, Steves shirt was being pulled off by Tony, showing all his biceps and muscles on his chest. Tony wrapped his hands around Steves arms as he kissed.
Then someone opened the door.
Fucking Peter.

"Fuck" Tony said under his breathe.

"Language" Steve whispered.

"Heeey Peter" Tony said awkwardly. Natasha rushed in.

"Guys I tried to stop him and-" She looked down at the two of them ontop of each other. "Woah you guys were about to go there? Damn I'm sorry"

"Natasha!" Tony yelled.

"Right. I tried to stop Peter but he insisted on coming here" she looked down at Peter who was still staring at his dad half naked with Steve.

"What? You haven't seen gays before? Look, I'm sorry I haven't told you but-" Peter raised his hand to cut Tony off and opened his phone, scrolling through pictures until he found the right one.
It was a picture of Tony and Steve making out in an alley.
Fuck Steve and Tony thought.

"Don't worry I'm not surprised. I'm happy for you guys" Peter said genuinly, he tried to put a smile of his face but ended up failing, it was a long time since he had smiled. Tony scoffed in surprise, Steve smiling himself. "I better go to school so you two can finish. . . What ever this is" Peter said sheepishly. Steve cringed a bit. "Okay bye"
Peter was then off to school.

"Bye Peter!" Tony called after. Natasha was still there looking, soon, most of the Avengers have joined too.

"lol" Clint laughed. Snapped a picture.

"Hello fellow humans" A deep voice said. It was bloody Thor.

"Wow, Thor had to be here now" Tony mumbled.

"Oh my. I have never seen such intercourse like this, I bet it will be enjoyable" Thor said happily. Tony slapped his face and rolled off the bed.

"Fucking leave before I shoot you with my thrusters" Tony threatned. Everyone rushed out, including Thor. Tony then turned to Steve who grinned. "Now, where were we?"

Ayyyee, sorry this has been kinda sexual? :/ but i kinda liked it lol.
I think this story wont end as soon as i thought, but i really enjoyed writing it. Lmao, have any recommendations? Please let me know.
Btw, im not sure if im going to have a prequel.
Kay bye

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