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Peter was still in hospital. He was passing out every couple of hours.
He couldn't eat much because he would vomit, and he would have to use help to get to the bathroom.
He was paralysed.
Tony still sat on the edge of the bed. Trying to comfort Peter. They would sit and chat for a while, Tony would tell be Peter stories about his previous journeys.
Peter would listen in amazement.
The talk would go on and on until there was a slight knock at the door.

"Hello Mr Stark" The doctor was leaning at the edge of the door with a clipboard in his hand. He had a anxious look on his face but plastered a smile.
Tony nodded towards him and turned back to Peter.

"Be right back Peter" Tony ruffled Peters hair and walked back out. Peter took out his phone and was scrolling through his instagram, reading all the sincere messages about Peters incident. Peter smiles to himself.

Back outside, Tony shrugged with a look on his face like what-do-you-want.
The doctors back straightened and took a deep breathe. He looked on the floor and started fiddling with the pen in his hand.
The doctor cleared his throat and said:
"Peter is paralyzed" His voice was quiet and humble. Tony stood there in shock "From the waist and below. The tests we have took proven it would take a while for him to properly walk again"
Tony stared in disbelief, his heart racing. Tears were starting so quickly roll down his face. He turned away and pulled out his phone, his lip quivered and his hands shook.

Guys? Tony texted on the Avengers group chat.
Whats up? Bruce replied
Hey Tony Natasha replied.
Tonys hands were shaking as he typed.
All of you, at the hospital. Now
Is there something wrong? Steve quickly sent.
Just come

10 minutes later, all the Avengers showed up in their regular clothing. Wanda in her long shirt and jeans, Natasha in her sort of crop top and jeans, Clint his T-shirt and shorts, Bruce in his suit and Steve in a gorgeous tight fitted shirt that made his muscles pop out and tight jeans. Damn that booty.
Steve was rushing up to Tony.
He placed his two hands on Tonys shoulders, worry covering his face.

"Whats wrong? Something up with Peter?"
Tony tried to keep in his tears. He continously blinked. Everyone came forward and stood infront of Tony, all ears.
Tony explained. They stood there in shock, all giving their condolences. It was a very breaking matter.

"Now I have to tell Peter. This is going to be hard" He mumbled
They all followed Tony into Peters room, they found him on his phone laughing, enjoying his time on his phone.
Then they realized how this news would affect him.
Steve smiles to himself as he sees how happy Peter is, it lights up his day. Steve imagined how life would if Peter was with him. He would almost be a father to him.
Then his smile faded. It was never going to work out.
Tony slowly walked up to Peter and sat near him. He slowly pushed down the phone out of Peters hands and made Peter give him direct eye contact.
Peter gave a confused smile.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" He questioned, the smile still stuck to his face, but it was gone when nobody smiled back "Whats wrong?"
Tony inhaled deeply.

"Peter. What you are about to be told will affect you deeply, I really wish there was something else, but it had to be this. I'm so sorry Peter" Tonys voice was croaky. Peter had a quizzical look on his face. "You are paralyzed from the waist and below" Tony whispered. Everyone behind Tony bent their heads down and let grief take over.
Peter leaned back, his hands covered his face, he couldn't believe it. He can't even be Spiderman no longer.

"How am I paralyzed?" Peter dragged his hands down his face, revealing the puffiness of his eyes and the redness of his cheeks.

"When you fell, your back was slightly fractured, affecting your legs. I'm so sorry Peter" Peter sat straight and looked at his legs.

"That's why I can't move" He said to himself. He then turned his face away. "I need time alone"
Everyone understood and left. Except Natasha. She stood up and swung her way to Peter (crutches)
She sat on the chair, next to Peters bed. He looked at her and she was not impressed.

"Stop it Parker" She said, her voice firm. Peter gave a slight glance then quickly looked away.
"You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get a grip!" She said angrily. "I got my leg shattered! That doesn't mean I stop" Natasha calmed herself down, Peter was slightly shaking. She took a deep breathe and continued. "look, I understand that this is so hard and depressing" Peter looked at her this time. "But I know you will get through it, c'mon, you're Spiderman" She slightly nudges Peter and he puts a little smile on his face.

"Thank you Natasha" Then Peter gives her a big hug, she gets up, kisses his cheek and leaves.

"See ya later kiddo!" And the door closes behind her.

The rest of the night, Peter was wondering how he could over come his paralyzation. It was embarrasing enough he needed a nurse to help him go to the bathroom.
He could do it. He knew he can.

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