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Peter walked his way to school with his head down. He met a few people from school on the way, their expressions sad and worries for Peter, constant 'are you okay?' 'how are you doing Peter?' 'Do you need help?'
Peter left everyone hanging. He didn't really want to talk, he wanted his bestfriend Ned. When he was at school, he had a lot of faces looking at him, a couple of whisperes and rumors going around. But he couldn't be bothered to hear anything. He was so stressed. But like his dad said, it's better to move on.
He found Ned in the corridor and quickly rushed up to him, bringing him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Peter" Ned said quietly, this time, without anyone laughing or making fun of them, everyone left them alone. No one bothered to look, or giggled, or gossip. They just let it happen.

"Peter!" He heard Flash yell. Peter groaned and turned around, his head low, his face still pale. Flash had guilt in his eyes, and remorse. "Man, I-I'm sorry about MJ. I can't imagine what it's like losing someone." Flash mumbled, he felt bad for making fun of Peter before. He felt horrible. "I'm also sorry about before, making fun of your aunts death. It'd hard for something like that to happen" Flash said sorrily. Peter looked up and smiled at him slightly.

"It's fine Flash, I forgive you" Peter said quietly, his voice croaked a bit. Flash grinned and walked away, leaving Peter alone.

"What was that?" Ned questioned, his tone confused.

"No idea" Peter smiled to the idea of Flash being nice to him.

It was the last lesson of the day and Peter surprisngly has made his way through school without having any problems. No worries. No troubles. Mainly because Ned was there supporting him and the nice, friendly glances Peter got from Flash.
The school bell rang and he made his way home, his head down and his airpods in his ears. It was a little present Tony got for Peter before MJ died. He played soft music and smiled a bit to the lyrics.
He had his hands in his pockets and shook himself to the beat, moving his feet in sync and swinging his head from side to side.
He looked like an idiot.
Peter started giggling as he skipped to the beat. He took his hand out of his pockets and swung his arms, moving his hands and patting his sides. When the song began to be upbeat, he began shuffling his feet, smiling even more as he did. His feet smoothly danced across the side walk and as people passed, Peter would do a dramatic spin and dance again. He had a huge grin on his face, kept dancing and dancing, he didn't mind getting stares from people, until he saw someone smiling back and clapping their hands.
He looked over, it was a girl, red hair and blue eyes, here skin was a light peach and her smile was gorgeous. Peter sheepishly smiled back and took an elegant bow.

"That's some nice dancing you've got there, I wish I could dance like that" The girl laughed, making Peter feel quite queasy.

"Thanks" Peter said breathless. He smiled afterwards, looking deep into ger blue crystal eyes. She stared back, but Peter quickly broke the trance.

"I'm Michelle Jones by the way, but you can call me MJ" She said, her hand out so Peter could shake it. MJ, oh my god.
Peter hesitated and quickly left.

"Uh I gotta go" Peter stuttered.

"Wait-" But Peter was already gone. Michelle wondered why Peter left so suddenly, just because of her name. She shrugged and walked off into the distance, not forgeting about the boy she had just met.
Peter was still listening to his music, but not swinging to the beat, singing or dancing. He kept his head low. He kept thinking about the girl he had just met MJ. He kept thinking about then Mary Jane. His love.
He wondered if they could possibly link. Not as in link in biologically, but as in if they are kind of the same.
Peter quickly wiped away the tear streaming down his face and rushed to the Avengers tower.

Everyone in the tower was talking about Steve and Tony. How they are actually a thing.
Natasha and Wanda wont stop blabbering about how cute they would be and how Steve would totally be a mother figure to Peter, and how Tony would be the dad that would drive him to school in a nice car, tell him how to pick up girl.
It was going to amazing.
But Natasha and Wanda still had a lot of planning.

"I wanna be involved" Bruce wined. Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Bruce" she snapped. Bruce dramatically placed a hand on his chest and scoffed.

"Heeeyy, don't talk to my Brucey like that" Natasha teased. She squished Bruces cheeks and kissed it. He slightly blushed and kissed Natasha back, his face still squished.
The elevator dinged and Peter walked out, his head still low.
He lifted it and gave a small smile to everyone.

"Hey everyone" Peter waved. Everyone waved back, a grin on their face.

"How was school kiddo?" Bruce said, his tone happy to see Peter getting into routine.

"It was good. We learnt about you in class, I got to know a frw more stuff about you! Your work on the quantem realm is amazing Bruce" Peter admired. Bruce grinned.

"Glad you like it." Peter then walked into the kitchen to find a big, strong man with massive biceps, long, scruffy blonde hair and sea blue eyes. He wore a red cape and metallic armor.
Peters eyes were wide open in shock, his jaw dropped.

"Y-your Thor" Peter stuttered. Thor was his favorite Avenger when Peter was younger but he barely saw him because he was always in Asgard.

"Yes small Midgardian, I am Thor, god of Thunder. And you are?" His voice was deep and very rough. He sounded so serious even though he had a great smile on his face.

"I'm P-Peter Parker"

"Well P-Peter Parker. It is a pleasure to meet you. Although, I would like to knoe what these great puff pastry frosted food is" Thor said confused, spectating the entire Pop Tart.

"That's a Pop Tart" Peter giggled.

"A Pop Tart! This is such a marvelous creation! I would love to buy more of these" Thor exclaimed. His face filled with joy. Peter laughed with Thor and shared a Pop Tart with him. Thor wasn't happy at first, but really liked the kid.

"Thor! Back away from him! He's-" Tony yelled as he slide into the kitchen. He paused as he saw Peter munching a Pop Tart with Thor, both were smiling. When Tony saw Peter smiling and seemed to have a good time with Thor, he thought it was best to leave him and Thor.
"Oh. Sorry guys" Tony said awkwardly. Peter shrugged.

"Dad where were you this entire time?" Peter questioned, even though he knew what Tony must've done.
Making out with Steve, totally not about to have sex with him

"Nothing, just was in the lab" He said quickly, his face turning pink, then he remembered something. . . "Hey kid, isn't it your birthday tomorrow?" Tony said with a grin on his face. Thor looked surprised and strongly patted Peter on the back, almost knocking him out.

"Yea, Dad" Peter said weakly. He gave a slight smile and looked at Thor, also giving him a smile.

"That's too bad, I got a buisness trip tomorrow." Tony said, his tone sad. He then left the kitchen, leaving Thor and Peter alone. Peter looked down at his feet and nibbled on his Pop Tart.

"Do not worry my dear P-Peter, I will make it special for you tomorrow" Thor said, trying to brighten the mood. Peter looked up and grinned.

"Thank you Thor" Then Peter looked back at the floor, thinking about two things. His dad with Steve, and the girl called Michelle Jones.

Yay, I published two chapters in a day!!! Lucky you.
Im so sorry I had to do this to Peter, im hurting him so much.
Do you guys think I should speed up Stony?
Let me knooowwww.
Btw, thank you sooooo much for your reads i love you
Kay bye :)

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