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It's been almost a week, and the gossip for poor Peter Parker has continued.
Every now and then, Peter would be cat called by girls (and guys!), he would be shoved around by the jocks and they would talk about how fake his muscles were, Peters picture was even printed on a huge banner and posted in front of the school. Oh the shame and guilt.

"Peter!" someone shouted. Ned. Thank god, finally someone to talk to.

"Hey whats up Ned?" Ned and Peter did their little handshake and laughed afterwards.

"Dude. You are embarrasing. Why the hell would you even be naked in an alley?" murmmured Ned, he didn't want anyone else to hear because then the gossip will rise up again. Ned was away in his home country because his grand mother died and Peter literally had no one else to talk to.

"I-It wasn't my fault! I-I had to - uh, change because, um, I left the house in my PJs, and I went to the store to get some?" Peter stammered.

"Dude. You're a terrible liar" Ned just shook his head. "You really need lying lessons because it will help. Right now, it isn't at all" The bell rang and everyone started to enter the zoo. The whole area was like a stampede of people and we were squished like sardines. I hate school Peter thought to himself

Later on that day, it was lunch. Peter and Ned were sitting in the back of the cafeteria where the 'losers' hang out. It was basically just Peter, Ned and MJ. They were talking about Spider-man and other superheros.

"Superheros are lame. They hurt people by 'saving the world' and don't realize about the people around them. Especially that Spider dude. Always trying to save the town when he really doesn't" MJ explained. Peter sat there silently, empty minded, staring into space. Did his crush- his uh, his friend really just insult him? Guess she did.
MJ tried to lighten the mood by smiling, she let out a light laugh and continued: "You guys aren't triggered about my comment. Are you?"
Peter broke out of his trance and gave a fake smile.

"what? No, ofcourse not! Completely fine." Peter blurted. He slightly blushed but covered his face, pretending he was tired.
MJ raised an eyebrow.

"Ooookay?" MJ said suspiciously, she turned to Ned and they talked about olden day movies and compared them to now days movies. The typical conversation of this trio.


It was finally the end of the day. Peter decided not to swing around from (you know) he decided to go home and just relax now everything this past week has literally caused him to have a migrane from everything that has happened.
Aunt May was standing in the kitchen trying to make noodles, this woman isn't really meant for cooking.

"Oh shit! The noodles are burning!" She groaned. The fire alarm starts to go off as smoke starts to rise into the air, it was almost grey? Aunt may must really suck at cooking.
"shit!" She yelled again. Peter laughs loudly, enough for Aunt May to hear him. She turned around and gave him a smug look. She raised an eyebrow symbolizing 'can you do any better?' Peter let out a slight laugh and lifted his hands up.

"Okay I surrender!" Said Peter jokingly. Aunt May quickly jogged over and gave Peter a hug. She squeezed tight, almost suffocating Peter.

"I don't know what I'll do without you Pete" she mutters in my ear. May lets out a deep sigh as if she was holding her breathe. Peter hugs her tighter snd whispers back:

"I love you Aunt May"

"love you to Pete" She breaks the hug and places her hands on her hips. "can you cook noodles?" She teased.

"I don't know, probably better than you" Both Aunt May and Peter spent the entire day laughing and joking, making stupid puns and ranting about people in school. Thankfully she didn't know about the 'naked' subject.
They were sitting down at their table, humbly enjoying their semi burnt noodles and giggling about anything until there was an awkward silence.


"mm?" Peter replied. May inhaled deeply, she slowly took out her phone, swiped through somethings then closed her eyes.

"what the hell is this?" she said softly, probably trying to bottle in her anger. Peters mouth was shaped in 'o' he slightly covered his face, but not enough for him not to see the picture of him in his Stark Boxers. He blushed real hard. His ears turned a bright red.

"What? That- that isn't me. . . I- I" Peter hesistated sheepishly.

"Shut up Peter, it's you"  She held in a smile. "A bloody banner Peter? C'mon!" She scolded. Her face started turning red. "oh my god Peter, you're stupidity amazes me" Peter slightly giggled.
"uh uh!" She cut off Peter completly.
Peters mouth was thin. Probably again trying to hold in a laugh.
"Peter, what were you thinking? Why werr you even like that?" She said softly, she closed her eyes, about to hear the biggest and worst lie ever.

"I was kidnapped, my clothes were taken and I was dumped in the schools alley" He said it very quickly, and suprisingly, he said it like it was the truth. Peter closed his eyes to hear his punishment. After a couple of seconds, nothing happened. He slowly opens his eyes and Aunt May sits there with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Peter. I-I didn't know" Her lip quivered "That school should never treat you like that" She got out of her seat and moved towards Peter, giving him a light hug and rubbing slow circle on his back.
Yessss  Peter thought in success. Jokes on you Ned
Peter still kinda felt bad for making Aunt May worry so much. She literally threatened to call the police. Luckily, Peter managed to shake the whole thing off.

"You have now have to have early curfew  Peter, I can't risk these things happening to you" Peter nodded slowly.

"I better get to my room, homework and stuff" Peter mumbled. Aunt May blew a slight kiss as Peter walked his way towards his room. His footsteps heavy underneath him. His muscles tense up. I do not wanna go through that again


The next day there was apparently a 'special visit'
Peter and his classmates were sitting in computer science, learning to type in pseudo code for a hotel booking.

"okay kids!" the teacher yelled, but the students continued rambling about who the special guest was or what they were doing on the weekend. The teacher continued yelling but everyones voice was louder than the other until the teacher put two fingers in his mouth, curved his tongue and blew a high pitched whistle.
Everyone flinched except Peter, drifting into space, avoiding everyone because of the incident.

"Students. We are going to have a special guest visit our school. I'm pretty sure some of you guys know him." The teacher turned slightly to face Peter, he raised an eyebrow and turned back to the rest of the class.
"Our special guest is going to be giving an internship to only one of our students in the entire school to work with their company." A slow mumble of gossip was spreading. The sound of the gossip was like bees humming in a distance. The teacher shushed the class again.

"our special guest is. . ." The whole class started doing drum rolls on laps, tables chairs, even computers. "TONY STARK!" The teacher exclaimed. Peters eyes widened in excitement, before the teacher could even continue, Peter stood up quickly and screamed:

"YESSS" his hands pumped in the air, his smile from ear to ear. But that all disappered when Peter realized he was infront of an entire class, they laughed. Again. Peter quickly sat down and flushed hard. Everyone laughed, except MJ, he looked across the room and she drew a picture of him in distress and smiled. He gave a weary smile back and covered his face. Embarrasment once again.

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