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The next day, Peter was going straight to physiotherapy.
The nurses would help move Peters legs while he laid on the table, he would exercise his legs and they would continue moving his legs in different.
Bruce and Tony would watch, calling out the nurse when they did something wrong.

"Tony, these nurses are ass" He mumbled in Tonys ear. Tony chuckled.
These two dorks always share everything.

"I know, they don't know anything" Tony agreed, they elbowed each other as they laughed, until they heard Peter let out a slight yelp.
Tony rushed towards Peter, his eyes wide and his heart racing.
"Is everything okay?" Tony said anxiously. The nurse slightly giggled and played with her hair, biting her lip. Tony rolled his eyes.
Peter sat up, using his arns to support him. He slightly groaned as he got up but giving a supporting smile to Tony.

"Don't worry Tony" Peter comforted "I just felt a jolt of pain when Lina helped me move my leg" Peter turned towards Lina and smiled.
Lina ruffled Peters his hair and moved away from Peter before winking Tony. He shrugged and quickly walked towards  Peter, Bruce just laughing his head off.

"Peter, making progress?" Tony questioned, Peter shivered to that thought, he didn't really know how much progress he was making. It was only the first day and he still really couldn't feel his legs.
He did have a brace in his back that would help, but it felt painful and tiring enough to even try.

"It is my first day. I think that I can make progress" Peter grumbled. Tony raised an eyebrow, not understanding what Peter meant. "Well, my sorta self healing is basically speeding me up in physiotherapy, but it hurts" Tony sighed. He patted Peter on the back and sat on the bed where Peter laid.

"Kid, we gotta talk about you being Spiderman, MJ and Ned, your school, things along those lines. Seriously Peter, I'm worried" Tony said, creases were forming on his forhead, his hands were slightly shaking and he hasn't slept his days.
Worry has taken over him.
Peter placed a hand on Tonys shoulder, then landed it on his reactor, slightly pressing onto it.

"Don't worry Tony, I'm fine" Peter comforted. Tonys creases started to fade as he began to relax. Petee squeezes Tonys hand.
Tony took a deep breathe and stood up.

"Kid, I don't wanna hear procastination so get up. We are training" Tony said firmly. Peter raised an eyebrow then chuckled a bit. "With Bruce as well" Tony turned around to point at Bruce, but he was too busy trying to drag away the woman that kept flirting with him.

"I have a girlfriend" Bruce kept saying. The nurse wouldn't budge.

"Okay maybe with Bruce later, but still c'mon"

"did you forget I'm paralyzed?" Peter said amused. Tony scoffed and ran a hand through his hair.

"That doesn't stop me from training, now get your ass up!"

"I can't. . ."

"Oh yea, forgot about that" said Tony, he felt really bad but he couldn't help but laugh at himself.
Tony lifts Peter up, making Peter blush massively, and placing him in his wheel chair, dragging him to another station.
He was Spiderman really, so he could train and heal faster, but Tony really took advantage of that and took Peter to the last station, where you learn to walk again.

"Get up" He says. Peter had a straight face on.

"Tony, we are at the last station. . . I just started the first one" Peter said, trying not to laugh. Tony shrugged, not really caring.

"And?" Peter didn't really want to argue. He forced himself up with his strong arms and fell into Tonys arms.
"I gotcha" Tony huffed. He then dragged Peter towards the beams and balanced him on it.
"Go for it Pete" Tony said, his voice low yet excited.
Peter took a deep breathe, he held onto the beams tightly, making sure he didn't fall. As he tried to take his first step, a shooting pain went up his leg.
He cried out.
Tony rushed over to Peter, holding hin back up.

"Peter! You okay?" Peter looked up at Tony, a smile on his face.
Bruce rushed up towards Peter and asked questions about Peter. Peter said everything that has so far happened.
Bruce had a tug on his lips.
Tony standing there confused.

"Peter is healing. . ." Bruce whispered. Tonys eyes widened.

"What?" Tony said. His ears like an elephant.

"He can possibly walk again, in a couple of days! The pain indicates that it can-"

"I can walk again!" Peter cheered.

"You can walk again!" Tony said excitedly, he lifted his hands in the air, letting go of Peter.
Peter falls on the floor.
"Okay, maybe you can't walk now" Tony giggled.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up.

"Tony no"

For the next couple of days, Peter has been waking up super early, going theough physiotherapy sessions with most of the Avengers. All helping him along the way.
Peter was starting to feel more pain in his legs, every training lesson would feel more and more painful. But it was good. Peter was healing.
It usually took more than a couple of months to a couple of years to get better. Peter was better in a couple of days.
He was able to start walking with support, but not alone.
Peter was on the cycling machines, working with Bruce and Natasha, mostly listening to the flirtatious lines Bruce kept saying to Natasha.
Peter felt his eyes would get stuck from the amount of times he rolled his eyes.
Tony was in the cornor, over looking everything thats going on with Peter, hoping there would be some sort of miracle that Peter could just bloody walk already.
Tony sighed and closed his eyes as he leaned his head on the wall.

"Tony?" A soft voice said, Tony quickly opened his eyes. Steve was standing there, inches away from his face, smiling slightly.
Tony jumped a bit, grinning.

"Steve! You scared me" Tony grumbled. Steve raised an eyebrow wondering why Tony was acting so strange.

"Tony would you like to go out for lunch?"
Well that was straight forward.

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