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The rest of the time in the hospital, Peter was dazed into space, thinking about the last time he saw MJ.
Everyone was continously talking, scolding Peter about trying to run away. Talking to him about saftey and how to fight back. Natasha has even offered to give Peter self defense classes. In fact, it wasn't an offer, it was something Peter had to do.

"Peter? Peter, are you even listening?" Bruce yelled in his ear. Peter flinched and got back into the real world.

"Yea, yea I'm listening" Peter said softly, he tried to concentrate at everyones life lessons and he ended up falling asleep. He was so drained if energy, especially since he was shot and had to go through many tests. The Avengers stepped back and began to talk amongst each other, allowing Peter to rest.
It felt nice Peter could sleep without worrying about how MJ may feel. He slept like a baby, snoring silently. He managed to sleep more than 8 hours and it felt good.

Peter awoke from his sleep and he was back at the Stark tower. His bed sheets were on the floor and he was curled in a ball. He must of been hot then cold.
He sat straight up and thought about ways he could make it up to MJ.
He heard a knock on his door. Steves head popped in, along with Tonys.

"Hey kiddo" Steve said. Tony looked at Steve gracefully, his eyes gleaming, his mouth in a small smile.

"Hey Mr Rogers" Peter replied, his voice was quiet, after all, he did just wake up.

"Steve is better" He gave a polite smile before he continued "Breakfast is ready, you're welcome to drop by anytime" Peter nodded and Steve was off. Tonys eyes followed him, and soon, his head. Peters eyebrows raised then quickly dropped before Tony could see.

"MJ called" He whispered, he walked in and sat on Peters bed. "She was worried about you and told you to call her back" Tony then wiggled his eyebrows. Peter giggled, he then thought all about MJ, her features, her smile, her personality, everything about her. She was a dream.
"You should ask her out" Tony blurted.

"Whhaatt?? Nooo" Peter scoffed. He was so embarresed, his ears turned pink.
Tony looked at him like 'I-know-you-want-to-Peter"
Peter shoved Tony slightly. Tony scruffed up Peters hair.

"Think about it kid" Then he left. Peter then really thought about it before he walked his way to breakfast.

Tony was really nervous as he sat next to Steve. His heart was racing and he really wasn't sure if Steve could hear him. He kept wiping his hands against his pants and Steve would always slightly turn his head around before quickly turning forward again. Tony would sometimes catch a glimpse of Steve looking but would also turn back.
Wanda and Natasha would constantly exchange glances before quickly returning to eat.
There was one slice of toast left, both Steve and Tony were hungry. They both reached for it, their hands slightly touch. They flinch away, looking at each other slightly blushing.
Yes, this is cliche.
Bruce wiggles his eyebrows at Natasha who holds in a laugh while Vision and Clint are still confused. Before somebody else could grab the last toast, Peter swoops in a gets it. Munching it down. Everyone looked at him and Peter shrugged.

"What?" Everyone turned back to their food and Peter took a seat. They all began talking about how Peter was and regular missions that they got onto. Thankfully the city was under control.
Then, a message came from Nick Fury, requesting them on a mission if rogue supernatural people.
It was now Peters time to make a move on MJ, but before he could even do that, Tony moved Peter into the corner.

"If you even think about leaving this building as Spiderman, you are actually going to be grounded and I will take away your suit. Kay bye" He whispered, giving Peter a warm hug and a kiss on the head.
Peter didn't really feel comfortable.

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