Chapter 19. Infected Parasite

Start from the beginning

For some reason. (Y/N) didn't run. He was too paralyzed by fear. ".................i'll give you my jacket if you don't kill me...." (Y/N) muttered. "How about you turn around and face me." He said. (Y/N) crosses his heard and points to the sky. As he slowly turns his head, to face the boy. He couldn't even turn his body with his head as the tip..... Of a blade stops him. When he felt it. He scream.

"*girly scream* SWEET MONKEY PEE-PEE SAUCE!!!!!!!" (Y/N) screams. "DUDE CHILL!!! I WASN'T HITTING ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!!" He puts his hands up as fear was all over his face. "Sweet monkey....what...?" The boy with now a light blue sword questions with a confused face. He was also a black haired boy, with matching eye color. But the sword he was holding was giving (Y/N) a heart attack. What was worse, a big croud was begining to form. Adding to (Y/N)'s nervousness. "Uhh...UHHH...!" He looks around quickly. Panicking. "Well.... I'm in sorry about this with your girlfriend... Uhh! Oh! I need to be in a class! Uhh...! See ya!" (Y/N) exclaimed and he quickly speeds off, trying to make it though the crowd. "Hey! Come back here!" The black haired boy said. "OHHH SHIT!" (Y/N) yells. As he almost crowd surfed, his struggling to run was made worse as he could hear the boy grow closer to him. "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY PLEASE!!" (Y/N) yells.

As he just wants to move out of the crowd, his friends we're answered, as suddenly....... The black tendrils returned, coming out of his back! "Holy sh-!" (Y/N) yells. The tendrils rises him up, over the crowd and across the wall. Away from danger. The second he lands back on the ground, he immediately starts running. "Huh! Huh! I'm! I'm GOOD!!!" He yells. Smiling and jumping with joy. "Yeah! I'm good! Lets go! LETS- *SMACK*"

Do to (Y/N) jumping in joy, and his running. He ended up jumping head first, into a door frame. Smacking hard into it.

*(Y/N) bodies himself like this*

Everyone in the Hall: OOOHHHHHH!!!!

(Y/N) falls onto the ground, motionless. Knocked out. "He got knocked out!" A kid exclaimed. "Is he ok?!" Another kid asks. Team RWBY run to his aid. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you ok!?" Weiss shakes him. "(Y/N)!? (Y/N)!?" Blake exclaimed. Shaking him. (Y/N) still reminded motionless. Knocked the hell out.

(Y/N) slowly opens his eyes, his eyelids still feeling heavy. His head also throbbed on pain. He held it at he groaned. Finally his eyes focus enough to see his surroundings. His face went into confusion as what he was seeing was not a roof from a room.

"The hell?" (Y/N) questions. Before he moved or try to love the tub like thing he's in. A voice stops him. "Your awake." The voice said, in a radio type thing. "Wait... Ozpin?" (Y/N) asks. "Yes. It's me. Now before you asks anything. Your in the doctors office. Or the infirmary." Ozpin examined. "You hit your head on a doorframe while running through the halls. Remember that black haired boy?" Ozpin asks. "Yes..." (Y/N) muttered. Remembering that kid nearly sliced his neck open. "I remember now." "Good. Because you broke the door frame. I'm amazed by your strength." Ozpin said. "Another few benefit to GenTek's process." (Y/N) mutters. "Well, what I'm I in?" He asks. "Your in a MRI machine. Do to what you did in the lunchroom. We would like to see if we can scan your semblance." Ozpin explained. "Great they found out...." (Y/N) mutters. "(Y/N) everyone knows about. Of course I'm going to find out. But I must admit." Ozpin said. "Im quite impressed by the fighting teqnices you used. And well... *looks at Velvet who is in the room* Cardin's team deserves it." Ozpin said. (Y/N) could hear snorts and small laughter in the mic Ozpin was using. "Oooo damn." He mutters. "Now (Y/N). If you could lay straight on your back and relax. We can start." Ozpin said. "Ok professor." (Y/N) said. He dose what Ozpin asks. He relaxes, and lays straight on his back. The doctor sitting beside Ozpin clicks a few buttons, then turns on the MRI.

The sound of the MRI turning on slowly was heard. "Here we go." (Y/N) muttered. The sound of the MRI turning grew louder, and (Y/N) closes his eyes as he relaxes himself. Finally. The MRI activates. It was normal. Just a simple scan.


The loudest scream of pain then cuts through the room. Everyone jumps and puts on a scared face. "(Y/N)!?" Ozpin exclaimed. "(Y/N)!? (Y/N)!? What's happening!? Are you ok!?" Ozpin asks worried.


His screams we're so loud as the MIR sounded like it was killing him

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His screams we're so loud as the MIR sounded like it was killing him. And his screams sounded like their was another scream mix in (Y/N)'s. And the black substance started to climb on (Y/N)'s face! "Shut it down! Shut it down!" Ozpin exclaimed. The doctor tries to shut the MRI off. But was struggling. "SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!" Ruby and the others shout. "I know!!" The doctors yells. (Y/N) was almost having a spaz attack. As he shakes hard in the MRI. (Y/N) then grabs the edges of the MRI and he climbs out quickly stumbling.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Everyone yells. (Y/N) was shaking and still screaming like if he was on fire. "GYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

(Y/N) then smashes his fist hard onto the ground

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(Y/N) then smashes his fist hard onto the ground. This sends a shockwave though the ground!

It creates a crater on the ground, and it turns off ALL the electricity in the school from the force! "WOAH!!" Yang exclaimed with wide eyes. "WAAH!" Everyone falls onto the ground. Finally.... The MRI sonic sound shuts off. And (Y/N) collapses onto the ground. He was panting. Slowly, Ozpin and the others slowly get up. "What.... Was that?" Jaune asks. "What kind.... Of semblance...?" Ren asks. "Wow.... Strong..." Yang mutters.

"Uhh.... The MRI results..." The doctor slowly climbs the desk. And looks at the turned off screen. Somehow that reminded on. But no one was judging. Because that's what everyone needed. The doctor looks at the screen.

(Y/N) slowly gets up on his wobbly legs. He looks dazed, then he looks at the damage he created. Fear and horror flashes in his face, and he instantly grabs his clothes since he was in a hospital clothes and he bolts out. "(Y/N) wait!" Weiss exclaimed. "(Y/N)!" Ozpin also exclaimed. "O-ozpin.... Guys....?" The doctor muttered. "Yes? What is it?" Ozpin asked. He walks over to the doctor and computer. And on the screen of the computer, made Ozpin drop his cane and eyes widen.

"... Professor Ozpin?" Blake asks. Blake walks by his side. She looks at the screen. Her eyes slowly widened. "Blake what's wrong?" Weiss asks. Then she was over. And she goes into shock. Slowly finally everyone saw the screen and like the others, their reaction show horror. In the screen, showed them what was in (Y/N).



TO BE CONTINUED............

I apologize if I missed spelled. But I hope you enjoyed

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