"You know why." He said simply. "Things don't need to get out of order around here because you're talking to someone that you shouldn't be. It was either you or him. I figured you'd be alright with staying alive another night." He drawled out casually, like whatever had happened didn't change a damn thing. A slight humor lightened his normally dark expression.

"Change?" Her brows furrowed with an anger that was far from easing up. "You thought that he'd change things around here? Like hell you'd let him!" Her voice was raising. The obvious bitterness was rearing its ugly self up in a coolness that could chill the world around her.

"Watch your tone, girl." Trent said simply. He eyed her up with a new flame that was echoing in his gaze. "Remember who you're speaking to."

A movement caught Stan's attention. He watched Eddie hold onto his gun tighter, ready to use it at a sudden command. Things were getting ugly fast. Stan inched his hand behind to the small of his back. He wanted to be ready to grab his gun if necessary. He wondered if Eddie had made a move on Dom. If that were the case though, he guessed that Trent would have been a lot harder on Ash. He would have seen the relationship as a threat and a betrayal. Consequences wouldn't be this mild. He swallowed hard, trying not to think of the possible other mark that would have Ash this upset.

"I'm speaking to a pig that has no reason to be a leader. I'm speaking to someone who doesn't know how to create trust among his people. I'm speaking to a coward that can't do his own damn dirty work." She kept her calm, but Stan could see her fighting not to scream at the leader. He had very clearly been taken back by what she had said.

Trent had apparently thought the same thing. He was dumbfounded by her words, but was quick to rebound. He got up from his perch and began walking toward her. His walk was mean and far from being anything less than determined. He rolled up the sleeves on his tight, black shirt as if he was preparing for a fight.

Stan watched Ashley raise up the gun. There was no hesitation. No nervous blinking or shaking hands. "Stay right the hell there." She said calmly. She worked rapidly when Eddie pulled his gun on her to put her down. She twisted the gun in his direction and put a bullet in his chest. "Call off your dogs." She spewed out as the other two jumped up ready to gun her down. Her focus went back on Trent.

Stan white knuckled his own gun. He wasn't going to move until he had to. He needed to know what was going on before he acted or blew his cover. He'd stop Ash when he had to. If only to protect her.

Trent didn't say anything, but a cruel laugh left his mouth. His eyes were on fire as he watched her. "You gonna shoot me, Ash?"

"I can think of so many reasons to, Trent. You've made that easy." She spit out. Hatred laced her voice intensely. "He was innocent. You didn't have to kill him."

"Oh, but I did. Anyone who tries to steal away my girl will get just what's coming to him. You weren't going to get out of here, Ash." He smiled at her. "You're stupid to think that you were."

Stan could see Ashley trying to hide her emotions. She didn't blink. He guessed that she was afraid to take an eye off of the cruel leader.

"Once more you're stupid to pull out a gun on me." He inched his way closer. The distance between them was closing quickly.

Ashley's face steeled up. "Stop or I'll drop you." Her eyes had already shaped into narrow slits and her voice held an instant threat that proved how crazy she was. She'd do it without a question.

Trent snorted. "You wouldn't dare." His arrogance was aggravating. He stopped though. Fidgeting with the idea that maybe she would follow through and shoot him.

A Liberated Decision - COMPLETED!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ