Chapter Five: "Baby."

Start from the beginning

Maybe I should add please?

I will.

Sophia, I am outside and we have an appointment at 11:30. Hurry up. Please.

I was almost immediately presented with a reply from her.

I hope you're joking. The appointment is at 11, NEXT week. Now, I'm going back to sleep. Thxs.

I reread the text before letting out a groan. Was the appointment really next week? I could have sworn my calendar said Monday, as in today. I scrolled through my phone, looking for my calendar apps. I got to this date and it was only filled for my meeting, however, next Monday did have a time slot filled for 'Baby Appointment' at the same time Sophia said.


Good job, Alex.

Sophia's POV

I peeked out the window again, hoping that that really was not Alexander's car that I saw out front a few minutes ago. All I could see was the mans hair, but I knew just from that one look that it was Alexander's.

Why was he here?

I watched a little bit longer, just to see him look around. He threw his head back and shortly, I heard my phone go off. I damn near sprinted across the room to receive it. I steadied myself on the wall as I picked it up off the side of the couch.

I am outside.

The text from Alexander read. I began to text back, only to see Crissy text me. I immediately tapped the message, completely forgetting about Alexander.

Panera today? Chance is off.

Was I in the mood for Panera?

Yes. I was. I quickly typed 'yes' before deciding to get something to eat. I put my phone in the top of my shirt and walked towards my kitchen.

I didn't have anything to do today, except Panera Bread with Crissy and Chance. I still didn't have any pregnancy cravings, atleast I don't think I did. My stomach was getting bigger though. If I didn't look pregnant three weeks ago, I definitely did now. It wasn't even subtle. It was like I skipped a whole stage and went straight to the 'waddling' stage. My stomach was now stopping me from giving a good hug. People are now asking me 'are you due soon? boy or girl?' when I'm not even due for another 5+ months.

I grabbed a muffin out of the container I had, unwrapping it as my phone went off again. I took a bite before reading the text.

Sophia, I am outside and we have an appointment at 11:30. Hurry up. Please.


I thought the appointment was NEXT Monday? I looked on my fridge, seeing the printout that I made and I was correct. The appointment was next Monday. I quickly typed a reply, telling him that the appointment was next week. Quickly, I made my way to the window, just in time to see him drive away.

I took the last bite of my muffin and threw the wrapper away before defunding to get dressed for my day. I could delay seeing Alexander for a week and I was glad.

After my shower, I threw on some clothes and I was out the door. I decided to drive to Panera Bread and reserve seats for us. I got us a booth while I had Crissy and I's orders ready to be made when she got here. I sat and doodles on my phone as I waited for them. It wasn't long after I had our orders requested that I heard Chances laugh. I turned around, seeing him throwing his head back. I could see Crissy since the entrance was right by the 'to-go' shelves, so she was probably too short to even be seen.

I turned back around, looking into the booth. I should probably wave them over.

I stood up, a wide smile on my face as I put my hand up, only for me to shoot it back down and feel my face red.

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